Saturday, April 4, 2020

At The Risk Of Repeating Myself

The Golden Room


  1. I Know Franco will LOVE This.

    1. NOPE! Sorry, kid, but stuff like this is just to RAUCOUS and CLAMOROUS for me.
      It seems to EXACERBATE xisting tensions of which we have MUCH too much already.

      BUT, if it encourages YOU to want to carry on, more power to it.

  2. Democrats: In order for you to defeat Donald Trump in November, you need 2 things:
    1. To show that President Trump was a weak President and make a case that he is unfit for office, and 2. Make a good case for why your candidate is better. Well....I don’t that that you can make a case for either!
    As for Number 2. Joe Biden is about as interesting as a sack of lawn fertilizer. No, you're not there yet Democrats. Joe Biden is going to have to do something to ignite the Democratic base, and hiding in hie Bunker afraid to come out because his handlers KNOW that he’s only going to Put His Foot In His Mouth AGAIN!
    The people who are going to Crazy Joe’s rallies, only go to see what insane stuff he’s going to come up with next. Biden is deteriorating at such an accelerating pace, he may not even be able to get around without a Map by November.
    No, you Socialist’s ain’t got a chance, Donald Trump will waltz into a 2nd term no matter what you try to do to hurt him.

    1. Can you imagine if they elect Any democrat at this point, let alone a mentally defective one?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That RED guitar and BLACK-CLAD Satriani make a striking cover!

    1. Franco, those are nice guitars. Fretboads like butter. The knobs are also push/pull switches. I'd buy one if I thought I could muster the discipline to learn to play again.
