Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Not in a Million Fricken Years


Chevy prices Volt at $41,000 but will push leases

And it gets worse:

A federal tax credit would shave the electric car's price to $33,500.

Tax payers get to kick in $7,000 for every dumbass that buys one.

Monday, July 26, 2010

But Who Inspired Chet

Chet says it was Django Reinhardt

Note that his 3rd and little finger were damaged and he didn't have much use of them. Video clips are few, but this is a nice little tune from 10 years into the Great Depression.

Best of LOLCAT


Sometimes I feel I'm at level 6.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

New Great Read Site


Conservative Perspective.

Another person who gets it and offers up interesting perspectives.

Open Letter to The Republican Party and The Tea Party

We don't want you "reaching across the aisle".

We don't want you "defunding the HC bill", unless you're just talking about the period up to Jan 23, 2013. Afterwards we want a promise that this straight from hell evil is "Repealed".

We don't want you being Bipartisan. Who the hell in their right mind wants you to work with communists ?!? Their definition of Bipartisan is getting you to compromise with them while they give you nothing in return and spit on you afterward. They have acted without the approval of the majority of Americans when they Deem and Passed the HC bill. They have acted in total disregard for any input you gave. They have acted in a manner that screams they don't care about you, Americans, the majority, or quality of life care for millions of seniors from this point forward. Any one of these points qualifies this bill for Repeal.

Not one republican voted for the HC bill, not even Olympia Snowe. They have no regard for the majority. You must have total regard for the majority when you are in power again. You must repeal these things and reverse these Executive Orders. You must fix Health Care by putting a leash on the rabid legal community. A single hospital in Texas was paying 100 million a year just to defend itself from frivolous lawsuits. After Texas passed a law to protect itself, the same hospital's costs deflated to 2 million. That's a 98% reduction in legal costs. Multiply that across the country.

This country is now at a fork in the road. One leads to Socialism, Fascism, Soft Communism and Ruination as it is clear the Democrats mean to destroy this country so as to rebuild it under those concepts. There is still time to turn the wheel, but after the 2012 election, it will not be possible to turn the wheel without destroying the country yourselves/ourselves in order to rebuild it in its original vision. A vision that has given us 300 years of Freedom, Opportunity, Liberty, Prosperity, the greatest Standard of Living Ever Known to Mankind, and the only Force on Earth that opposes oppression in favor of Freedom !

As Ronald Reagan said, we are mankind's Last Best Hope. That's a lot of unnecessary pain for Americans. And the world. It can be avoided starting in 2010, and 2012. Don't blow it.

Your party stands in diametrical opposition to the Democrat party if you claim to represent America, the Constitution and the Majority. Act like it. We're not going to vote for any watered down - try to please everyone - bullshit.

This is not just my opinion. It is the opinion I read on virtually every conservative blog I visit. It is a unanimous opinion.

Thank you for listening.

- Just your average American

Friday, July 23, 2010

New Great Read Site

I added Jim McMahon - Chicago to the great read blogroll.

He has a great mix of exceptional reads on today's culture and events and the right amount of funny.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

One For The Ladies

Original by The Clash

Or this could even be America to the asshole in the White House.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The Good. I can't say it any better than this if even as well. Note it was written November, 2008.

The Bad. The bad is built upon the good, but it doesn't include the cleansing of the republican party. It is another presidential candidate who thinks he/she must promise to "reach across the aisle" to "pull" voters from the ranks of the ignorant youth or those otherwise 'on the fence'. A pastel milquetoast version of opposition to Socialism, Facism, and Soft Communism. One that actually works with the enemy to try and please everyone and by doing so pleases no one. This will have the effect of disgusting conservatives to the point of staying home again on election day.

I must say, I would consider staying home. I would even say I'd go vote for the Democrat so as to satisfy Hyphenated-American's vision of forcing reality into the lives and minds of the liberal voters who actually believed an affirmative action-C average Harvard grad, with no accomplishments to his name other than stirring up racism in Chicago and calling it Community Organizing, ..(breath) when he said he would rid the world of Nukes, and force the scientists to create cars for us that run on Unicorn Shit and expel smiles and rainbows out the exhaust pipe. I would do that but I wouldn't be able to stop myself from regurgitating long enough to poke the hole through the ballot.

I don't believe obama is electable in 2012. We will see new hats in the ring. Will the democrat candidate look like Ronald Reagan compared to obama? Will the democrat media so demonize the republicans again to the point that those on the fence pull the blue handle again. Maybe that's what it will take for 'The Good' scenario to play out, because the end results of electing a John McCain facsimile will be:

  • the delay of the implementation of the Democrat agenda. Though maybe there is nothing left to delay. They've been ramming every liberal dream through congress that they've had since the idiot LBJ was president.
  • a half-hearted escalation of the war on terror that continues to ignore the real threat which is the advancement of Sharia around the world by groups like CAIR, which should not exist anyway.
  • No appreciable reversing of course to rid the USA of the Fascist crap the dems have been legislating into our lives these past two years. To say nothing of the fact that we have the most liberal Supreme Court ever, that is thankfully still 5-4 on the side of common sense and liberty. One more racist incompetent homosexual bitch on the Supreme Court put there by obama or a near future democrat president and you can kiss your ass goodbye.

    In short, nothing is accomplished.
The very idea of an organization with the aim of Islamic-American relations is so absurd it makes my head hurt. It is a demand by our enemy to ignore the fact that they are our enemy while they work their subversive infiltration. No , it is not the same as the NAACP. Black people actually were Slaves in America, and up through the 1960's there was extensive white based racism in America. What have we ever done to Islamics in America. Nada. So, let them come and experience free society while assimilating into our culture, free to practice their own religion but not to re-write our legal system. Meaning, should they stone a woman for the crime of being gang raped, the perps will be rounded up and tossed into the prison system with hopefully a death sentence.

The Ugly.

The ugly is a recognition that the events, perpetrated by the liberals, that have led us to this point will continue to lead us into the hellhole, regardless whether we get a Ronald Reagan every 12 years or not.

Well, the ugly, as suggested in The Bad section is that it is already too late. We have finally hit critical mass in terms of the number of voters, living (or dead but still voting) who are so dependent or lazy or just plain stupid that, to them, anything is worth avoiding the risk that they might need new job skills or have to put some effort into making their lives comfortable again. Of course it is the effort that brings happiness in life. Stagnation brings slavery, but they're too far gone to figure that one out.

A rough timeline of events illustrates our problem.

FDR raised taxes on the rich to 63% and implemented many isolationist and protectionist policies which turned the depression into the Great Depression. obama and the dems appear to be following that road map to massive failure. Taxes on 'the rich', which by and large amount to small business owners, stifle hiring and growth. Protectionism stifles world trade and therefore Growth. Large companies like IBM or Motorola haven't grown their employee base in decades. In fact employee numbers at large companies have been shrinking for decades due to technology and productivity gains. All growth is small business.  FDR put the long term hurt on America.  It is my opinion FDR helped the Russians become much more powerful during WWII.

Otherwise, things were cooking after WWII. People were doing relatively well. The greatest generation just kicked the rest of the world's ass and they were back home and living large or on their way to doing so.  The economy was on a long upswing driven by Demand being greater than Supply. From homes to washing machines to cars, people were starving to go out and work, make some money and increase their standard of living. They valued any job. Many were familiar with the depression, my Dad for one. He always told me if I had a job, to protect it and never throw it away. And I never did. I started officially working at 15 and have been at it ever since.

LBJ creates the Great Society. Welfare, from my view, essentially amounted to reparations. 'The Projects' in Pittsburgh where I grew up amounted to black people sitting around all day in houses bought with tax money, breeding, while white people, paid with tax money, came over to cut their grass. There was negative incentive to go out and work. The Democrat voter breeding process had begun.

Today, single women are paid to breed children into zero opportunity drug and crime infested environments and the benefits are reduced if that woman gets married. We are paying for child abuse. The liberals closed the asylums for the insane and now the insane make up the vast majority of homeless. The liberals closed the orphanages, and now the vast majority of foster homes are run by either pedophiles or by people only interested in collecting the money and put zero effort into the child's upbringing. Holding them essentially as slaves. Sure there are some good foster homes and families, single mothers and even people on welfare, truly wanting to get ahead and make something of their lives. nothing is ever all inclusive but there is too much of the other.

I have to point out that during campaigns, the liberals talk poor people and homeless and all the other victims that they played a huge role in making.  When they are in office however, you don't hear about the poor, or the 'victims'.  You only hear about the evil rich. They hate the rich and could give a shit less for the poor.  I wonder why that is.

The communist infiltration begins. We see the effects now. Not only are universities forcing submission by students of at least pretending to accept communist liberal ideas , but a large number of grade and high schools are doing so. To the point that literature is passed out in class by liberal teachers that show liberals as angels and conservatives as the devil and these handouts are 'top secret' - not to be taken out of the building.  Sure sounds like free healthy practice to me.

In the 60's and early 70's, race riots and riots over the Vietnam war built to the point that we had our own little version of Tiananmen Square with Four Dead in O Hi O.   Add that LBJ saw to it that we lost the Vietnam war. I have no idea what Nixon was doing with it. "Peace with Honor?" What the hell was that.  You can't End a war, you can only win or lose it.

Soon after, drugs were injected into mainly college campuses in massive quantities. You'll never convince me all that stuff was hustled over the border from Mexico. The government facilitated the massive supply of drugs. The rioting ended in a puff of smoke.

Today, after 40 years and billions of dollars spent on the 'war on drugs' any 13 year old can get crystal meth on the street 7 days a week.

After Gerald Ford pardons Nixon for Watergate (Which, hey, was about a nasty as a college prank..) the country votes for anything but a Republican, and we get jimmy carter. jimmy stirs up the Islamics, puts the serious hurt on us for decades to come, by practically making it impossible to build a nuclear power plant. He creates the Dept of Energy which to this day has accomplished Jack Shit other than sucking billions of dollars while it's members have sex parties with the big players in the oil industry. The EPA pushes us into drilling a mile down rather than in shallow water(where most of the oil is anyway) and now we have an oil leak that frustrated attempts to deal with it because of the methane gas freezing and fouling all the devices they used to try and contain the well. That wouldn't happen in shallow water but you'll hear nothing but how we can never drill in shallow water because 'look what can happen'.

jimmy brings us gasoline rationing. Some people actually got killed trying to get gas. We had high 20% credit card rates and 12% mortgage rates. The Misery Index went wild under jimmy carter.

Ronald Reagan appears and is one hot smokin conservative. He puts an end to the cold war, saving us Trillions of dollars (We spent 7 trillion just on the Nuke sub program) and puts the economy back in the pink poste haste. He has 8 years of Triumph and a few mistakes. Liberals were hammering him over his strategy with Russia. Liberals wanted to maintain the status quo. We most certainly wouldn't have been able to afford it.

Even after 8 years of a hot smoking conservative, and 4 more from George HW Bush; when the democrats took over once again in 1993, it was right back to the communist agenda. A smooth talking slick willy who decimated the military and intelligence communities and advanced the liberal presence on the Supreme Court with tweety bird Ginsberg voting to remove our freedoms at every turn. The man who not only ignored terrorism, but two on our soil, WTC 93 and the USS Cole, emboldening them to reach out and try for 9-11-2001. I blame clinton for 9-11. Now we have Afghanistan which will never end, and Iraq which has been successful to the point combat troops vacated Iraqi cities and towns according to agreement made with the Bush administration prior to the Nov 8 elections. obama gets no credit. obama's participation in Iraq was the same as his participation in the Senate - voting present.

Bottom line with The Ugly is even if we get a hot smoking conservative in 2013, will they reverse these cancers in our country. They can't do anything about the Supreme Court if it goes over. There is very little they can do about the DOE, the EPA (and why is the EPA the most powerful entity in the USA, they need to be taken down - maybe national security concerns and executive orders could do it) and all the other liberal - communist gearboxes just humming away in our society that are tied directly to the country's nervous system if you will.

How do you rip it out. You can't. With each democrat administration, the foundational pillars of America are beaten out with sledgehammers to never be replaced.  Things don't return 'to normal'.

In the end, it will be up to the citizens to make that happen. And we won't be able to do anything without the blessing let alone participation of the military. Gee, why does obama want a brand new domestic army?

And people aren't going to be motivated to take their lives in their hands like those who signed the Declaration of Independence, and who forfeited their lives, homes, and families.  Those people revolted against one of the most brutal oppressive regimes at the time, the English.  Who among us is willing to throw it all into the fire when we know 50% of the country would be fighting against us?  The ultimate answer is for people to recognize that the word liberal doesn't not equate to expansion of freedom.  It is the opposite and all you have to do is look at the liberal decisions from the supreme court.  Those being heavily supported by the four liberals and occasionally the one on the fence - Sanda O'Connor, would be drawn over as was the case when they decided local government could force you off your property in the interests of builders who wanted to develop the land you were on., based purely on an individual subjective opinion that qualified your property as blighted.

These bills that are being passed these last 2 years, provide caches of ammunition for the communists every time they get their chance at the wheel.   It's not like they have to start from scratch each time.  From 'diversity czars' monitoring bank employee populations to rules about minorities taking major roles in the nations health care system. If this isn't repealed, which is my main optimistic wish here, you can look forward to dealing with a minority individual that is a cross between the TSA, IRS, and DMV clerk whenever you need health care.  Anyway, the list of items in these bills that are going to put the hurt on us are near endless.  I hear a new one everyday.

But hey, we'll all be driving cars that run on Unicorn Shit and put rainbows and smiles out the exhaust.

Update 7-23-2010:
I just heard that many auto dealerships were canceled and closed after the fed took over GM and Chrysler because they did not fit in with the cultural and gender diversity scheme they have dreamed up. This means that some very successful, top of the heap, cream of the crop dealerships, in business 20+ years were closed because they weren't owned by a woman or a minority. Conducting business where the top priority is not success is a sure way to get this country into hell hole status real quick.
Even before I heard this, I vowed that I would not buy a GM or Chrysler vehicle as long as the company was owned in any part by the government. That won't be hard as I don't have any confidence in the quality of either vehicle anyway based on real statistics and bad experiences of many people I know.

I Better Try This Rule 5 Thing Myself.



Thursday, July 15, 2010

Too Negative to Talk Politics or Oil Right Now, So Here's Another Blast From the Past

Another tune I liked and still do.

We skipped the light fandango
turned cartwheels 'cross the floor
I was feeling kinda seasick
but the crowd called out for more
The room was humming harder
as the ceiling flew away
When we called out for another drink
the waiter brought a tray

And so it was that later
as the miller told his tale
that her face, at first just ghostly,
turned a whiter shade of pale

She said, 'There is no reason
and the truth is plain to see.'
But I wandered through my playing cards
and would not let her be
one of sixteen vestal virgins
who were leaving for the coast
and although my eyes were open
they might have just as well've been closed

She said, 'I'm home on shore leave,'
though in truth we were at sea
so I took her by the looking glass
and forced her to agree
saying, 'You must be the mermaid
who took Neptune for a ride.'
But she smiled at me so sadly
that my anger straightway died

 --Not in this version --
If music be the food of love [see note, left, about this verse + its opening]
then laughter is its queen
and likewise if behind is in front
then dirt in truth is clean
My mouth by then like cardboard
seemed to slip straight through my head
So we crash-dived straightway quickly
and attacked the ocean bed

Following Notes and lyrics from Procol Harums site

The two verses printed here in green are not both available on any official record but they have quite often been heard in concert.

The 'mermaid' verse is played on the Union Chapel Live DVD

(Annie Lennox did a nice version of this song also)

Monday, July 12, 2010

A Tune That Reminds Me of My Youth.

But Momma, That's where the fun is !

I almost never paid attention to lyrics, but I have always liked these lyrics.

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Madman drummers bummers,

Indians in the summer with a teenage diplomat

In the dumps with the mumps as the adolescent pumps his way into his hat

With a boulder on my shoulder,

feelin' kinda older,

I tripped the merry-go-round

With this very unpleasin',

sneezin' and wheezin,

the calliope crashed to the ground

The calliope crashed to the ground

But she was...

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Some silicone sister with a manager mister told me I got what it takes

She said "I'll turn you on sonny to something strong, play the song with the funky break"

And go-cart Mozart was checkin' out the weather chart to see if it was safe outside

And little Early-Pearly came by in his curly-wurly and asked me if I needed a ride

Asked me if I needed a ride

Asked me if I needed a ride

But she was...

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Blinded by the light

She got down but she never got tired

She's gonna make it through the night

She's gonna make it through the night

------ guitar solo ------

But mama, that's where the fun is

But mama, that's where the fun is

Mama always told me not to look into the eye's of the sun

But mama, that's where the fun is

Some brimstone baritone anticyclone rolling stone preacher from the east

Says, "Dethrone the dictaphone, hit it in it's funny bone, that's where they expect it least"

And some new-mown chaperone was standin' in the corner, watching the young girls dance

And some fresh-sown moonstone was messin' with his frozen zone, reminding him of romance

The calliope crashed to the ground

But she was...

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

{the following two sections are sung simultaneously}


Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Blinded by the light,

revved up like a deuce,

another runner in the night

Blinded by the light, revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night

~ Blinded by the light

2) ~ Madman drummers bummers, Indians in the summer with a teenage diplomat

~ In the dumps with the mumps as the adolescent pumps his way into his hat

~ With a boulder on my shoulder, feelin' kinda older, I tripped the merry-go-round

~ With this very unpleasin', sneezin' and wheezin, the calliope crashed to the ground

~ Now Scott with a slingshot finially found a tender spot and throws his lover in the sand

~ And some bloodshot forget-me-not said daddy's within earshot save the buckshot, turn up the band

~ Some silicone sister with a manager mister told me I go what it takes

~ She said "I'll turn you on sonny to something strong"

She got down but she never got tired

She's gonna make it through the night
I wonder if this is where Pierro got Curley Swirley? :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Bob's Chicken Fajita Recipe

This is my first published recipe.

First make the Pico de Gallo:
  • dice tomatoes, Very small cubes. Roma work very well to my taste and dice well. You want a firm tomato.
  • dice white onion. About equal parts with the tomato. The kind that make your eyes water.
  • chop up cilantro to your taste.  I'd say about 10-15% of what you have so far for ingredients.
  • Mix in diced green chilies. I'd say about 10 -15% of what you have already for tomato and onion
  • dice up jalapeno pepper, discard the seeds because you only want the flavor, not the heat. You've got plenty of heat opportunity with other side dishes such as chips and salsa. For me, I do about 2 to 3% Jalapeno of what I have for ingredients so far.
  • mix that all up well, and squeeze about 1/2 lime over it and toss it in the fridge.
Next get the refried beans ready. I chose a can of refried beans that had green chili added.  Put that in a saucepan and put on very low heat.  Toss in a dollop of butter. Land of Lakes salted of course Monsieur. Stir occasionally.
  • For the refried beans you want to have some shredded cheese available to toss on and melt as you dish the beans onto your plate.  I use Sargento 4 cheese Mexican which comes shredded already.
  • When you dish the refried onto a side plate, toss on the shredded cheese and pop into the microwave for 15 seconds to melt the cheese.  Regardless how hot the refrieds are they aren't able to melt the cheese. I put on a side plate as I want my main plate for constructing my fajita.
You should have the chicken cut and ready for cooking by now as well. Note that you want everything ready with the exception of the bell pepper strips when you start cooking the chicken.
  • your favorite skinless boneless chicken breast.  For two people one large breast should do it. you can always cook more and the side ingredients will stay fresh so no worries.
  • slice into strips about the width of your finger and half as long.  Depending on how fat and long your fingers are. :)  
  • Cooking options:
    1. I cook in a skillet usually with nothing added - there is plenty of flavor in your side ingredients
    2. toss on the grill for a minute to put some grill marks and flavor then toss in the skillet for cooking
    3. just before you're ready to remove from skillet add in a little taco sauce enough to just coat the chicken pieces.  Sometimes I sprinkle with chili powder as it's cooking.
    4. sometimes I do all four.

  • I use flour tortilla, but some people like corn.  Have a large skillet with water and a steaming rack to lay the tortillas on.  Bring the water to boil and steam the tortillas.  Probably 3 each is a good number.  I have a plastic container that has a lid, same stuff the cheap coolers are made of, that I store the hot tortillas in it as I take them off the stove.
Vegetables !

  • slice some thin strips of green and red bell pepper.  I prefer mostly red, but the green offers a nice flavor too.
  • slice thin strips of Vidalia onion and caramelize in a sauce pan. Do this earlier on. You'll add the bell pepper to them later
  • Just as the chicken is about done, toss the bell pepper strips into the hot skillet with the vidalia onion and heat them just long enough to get hot but not soggy. You want them crisp. Mix the strips and onion in with your chicken as you take both from the stove to your drooling family.
You're ready to go.
You might have some genuine Mexican chips ready to go with your Herdez Medium hot salsa that your thankless family has been munching on while watching you cook.

Bring it all to the table and dig in.

Grab a tortilla, place some chicken strips, bell pepper and vidalia onion and some Pico de Gallo on and roll that sucker up. Yum.

Don't forget the Jose Quervo Golden Margherita poured into 16 oz Glass glasses with ice cubes and salt on the rim.  Hold your glass under the faucet for a second to wet the rim, then dip your glass upside down into a container of Margherita salt. Or sprinkle the salt onto a small plate and dip your glass on that if you don't want to really overload the rim with salt..

I use the Mexican ingredients where possible.  Ortega, La Victoria, (taco sauce, green chili, re fried etc. and  Herdez (Salsa) as examples.

I'm headed to the kitchen right now to get started on this for Sunday dinner.  Sweetie gets home in about a half hour from work and it's the least I can do after screwing around all day, swimming and drinking.

BP Keeps Dickin Around With This Oil Well.

Hey, I could be wrong, but from the webcam pictures I've seen of this "Cap" they put on the well head, I'm going to go ahead and say they're going about this wrong.

Rather than put something Over the well head, which is a piece of pipe sticking out of the ocean floor. Picture the end of your exhaust pipe coming out the back of your car, only one that is straight and has no bends in it.

And from when they cut the pipe off to get it to be pointing straight up from the ocean floor which that big scissor like tool, the pipe is not perfectly round either.

Imagine some gorilla of a mechanic hit your exhaust pipe with a big hammer. So, it's not round anymore. Cause he's a jerk.

Now, rather than try to put something OVER it and try to seal something which isn't round, which is impossible unless the thing you put over it is the same shape as the out of round pipe, it would be much easier to put something INTO it. And if the thing that you put into it is tapered, and you can jam it in with enough force, you can actually make the pipe round again.  This, in fact is very similar to what they do to repair flattened or out of round exhaust pipes that some stupid jerk grease monkey did to your exhaust pipe.
(7-12-10, actually talking about this with a coworker and he pointed out you could make the tapered tube out of a slightly softer metal, and as you drove it in, it would conform to the shape of the well tube.  Certainly a good idea without risking damaging the well tube any further.)  

So here is what you'd stick in there. Picture the needle they use to stick into your artery to take blood. And while we're at it, try to picture that they poke a hole in your arm, then try to stick something over it to try to catch the blood squirting out.

So, picture the pointy or small end being inserted into the well tube, and you simply keep inserting it until the outside walls of this tube come in contact with the inside walls of the well tube and voila, you're catching a hell of a lot more oil, if not all of it.

And the pointy end doesn't need to be this small, it only needs to be slightly smaller than what it's being inserted into.

The big end of course would be connected to a pipe leading to the surface and waiting super-tankers who are collecting the oil.  And whatever you're doing to deal with natural gas bubbles and such, you can now do on the surface rather than a mile down into the ocean, a much easier task I'd imagine.

One might think, ah, they've surely thought of this.  Seems to me, they haven't thought of very feakin much so far.

No smoking of course Monsieur.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

NASA Concept Aircraft to Get Us Around Quickly (LANGUAGE)

And it's an environmentally friendly supersonic transport

Fantastic looking aircraft isn't it?

Oh Wait. It's NASA. The asshole obama isn't going to let NASA spend a freaking dime in pursuit of its mission to keep America on the top of the food chain when it comes to space transport and exploration.

No the bastard has instructed the Head of NASA to go kiss the asses of the Muslim assholes who are dedicating their lives to killing us. That fucking idiot has to be splitting his sides thinking of ways to make America look like a drunken fucking clown show.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Brand New Great Read Site


Big Peace

What IS Government Doing Exactly ?

Hat Tip DeanO for the inspiration.

You know, in the very best possible light, I can see where 'government has its back to the wall' with obligations of SC, Medicare, VA and all the other financial obligations that many of us would fight to keep.

Now they don't have enough money to keep the things going because they, through their incompetence and greed, have let the Ponzi scheme come to end game.

So what.

THEY screwed up. All of these things were doable, manageable and even profitable.
Social Security funds earning 2% a year? A blind squirrel could have done better with CD's at a bank. So, obviously they've stolen the money year after year and they're lying about any and all of the particulars.

It is time they paid for their failures. This is not a call to violence.

They certainly won't police themselves. Though it wouldn't bother me one bit to see a military coup, based on the total disregard for the constitution by those who swore an oath to uphold the constitution, translated as "respecting our freedoms and liberty". It is obvious they have no respect.

They have no self control. Most of them are like coke addicts secretly praying someone comes and helps to put them right. They sure as hell can't do it themselves.

And this is the Best possible scenario.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Weighing in On the Great Oil Leak of 2010.


First, let's recognize that the obama administration has been criminally negligent in my opinion for blocking skimmers from 13 countries that offered them a month ago, and for disallowing Bobby Jindal to take any action to protect the 'fragile marshlands' of the Louisiana coastline.

A moment of silence for the Additional suffering the wildlife will endure as a result of that.

Next, let's recognize that vast oil reserves lie just under the ocean floor in shallow and much more easily controlled environments. The media say those have been tapped already. They are Effing liars. obama says that oil is only 2% of the world's reserves; he's an effing liar. And stupid. Remember when he suggested we could eliminate the need for middle east oil by all of us having our tires properly inflated?
The EPA and 'the environmentalists' have kept us out of the safer drilling areas, because they hate oil and they believe in Unicorn fart power. They have the minds of children. Billions of our tax dollars go to them every year. They spend it on booze, hookers, and putting up obstacles to any common sense energy scheme ever created.

Onto BP we must now go.

Honestly, for the amount of money that comes out of one of these wells, and the potential damage that could occur, and is occurring, I believe the setup of the well head was sadly lacking. I'm not an engineer or an oil industry expert, but a simple look around the world at the related technologies in place leads me to suggest that something on the order of the gates at the bottom of massive dams could reasonably be expected to be employed as a fail safe for any event which disconnects the well tapping infrastructure (oil rig) from the well head. Gas bubble, torpedo, rogue wave, accidental hit by wayward submarine, asteroid, whatever...
It would have several methods of being controlled, remotely with electric motors, and at the site using mechanical means are two that come immediately to mind.

Visual Aids.


And of course, you only need one of the gate mechanisms and a bunch of concrete around it and down into the ocean floor enough to secure it. Anything happens, close the gate. Oil stopped in its tracks within a day or days of the problem.

Just an idea.

In summary, I believe all these oil companies have been playing fast and loose with their operations. I've read where BP had a longer list of violations than say Exxon, but given what the Earth is capable of puking up at us in terms of scope and magnitude, a bit more extra protection than what you find in the federal handbook for building codes for ocean wells is not unreasonable. Like Mexico would follow the codes anyway, or pay anything for an oil disaster that they caused. We know they won't because they created a disaster bigger than this one is so far, and told us to 'too bad, so sad' we pay no money si senor..

In the end I believe that since the congress voted to put no limitation on the monetary liability of BP, and we know what lawyers can do with a situation like this, we can assume BP will ultimately seek bankruptcy protection and go out of business. Other oil drillers won't be able to get reasonable insurance, or insurance that would pay unlimited claims, so if something happens to them, they would simply file for bankruptcy and the shareholders are SOL.
So, who will invest in these companies? I wouldn't. I can't imagine some mutual fund owning millions of shares waiting for the time bomb to go off.  And who would invest in those mutual funds?  Hot Potato, Domino Effect.
We may be seeing the end of US offshore drilling (by civilized countries anyway) Mexico would continue, and would we stop China from doing so ?

It occurs to me a lot more oil will be needed from places like Venezuela.

You know, hugo chavez and a picture is worth a thousand words.
