For 24.95 (+35.00 tax), I was able to procure a full and complete copy of the Green New Deal in PDF, 3025.4 pages, double spaced in Times New Roman 16 pt bold font.
What has yet to be announced and that I've gleaned from the fine print and some handwritten notes follows. It's kinda scary.
AOC dicates that:
- Each country will cull a minimum of 25% of their populations over the next 10 years, focusing on the big energy user and tippy top people. The wealth of the tippy top people will be confiscated and redistributed.
A general effect of the culling can be maximized if the highest culling is among the male population, The effects will be greater because it is a fact that females neither fart nor poop and if they do, then only robin's egg sized things once or twice per year. Also the women will have a larger selection of potential mates (or torture victims), whatever the case my be.
(AOC Note - Also by culling off the white males, there will be much less White Supremacy, X-phobias, racism, and sexual assaults !)
- Every home, workplace, and public place, and every pasture will be fitted with a sufficient number of FPC's (Fart Processing Collectors). These will be even more plentiful than electric charging stations. Everyone including the cows will be trained to back up to one of these when the need arises and deposit the offending gas into a lubricated tube where it will be vacuumed into chambers deep underground, compressed, transferred to rockets and sent to the sun as the containers reach capacity.
Laws concerning indecent exposure will be amended to exclude this activity as it occurs in public places such as at table side in restaurants, etc. Also this practice gets the population ready for what the government has planned for them next. Be happy that you're being lubricated....
Folks in attendance who fail to assist in the insertion of the lubricated collector tube will be subject to a $1000 fine and up to 5 years in prison.
- CO2 will be processed similarly but will be just sucked right out of the air and locked safely away.
(AOC - When all the CO2 is gone, all the plants will die and the Vegans will have nothing to eat... Rethink possible on this one. (Like, you know, like what... right?)
- All white males in existence will be steralized, then steralization upon upon birth mandatory if necessary. A mother may decide a male child is a female trapped in a male body and in great suffering and a transition operation can then occur immediately before the white supremacist even knows what hit him. Fathers continue to have no say over a woman's body. (Handwritten note from AOC - YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!)
There is much more but do you really want to read it?