Well, most of our usual attendees are otherwise occupied, albeit with important things, and that leaves just Mustang and I to discuss the human condition and refine our plan for world domination.
If any of our staff actually are available, please contribute in the comment section and my apologies for not being up to speed on your schedule. Like you tell me anyway. But still.
Without further ado, the first order of business.
o - Mustang and I were waxing poetic about where Black folks names come from and I suggested Africa. In consulting this site for African names, I don't find a Keyshawn or a Kanisha though I do find Kanye..
So, I conclude mothers of black babies, also known as future democrat voter factories are just making up these names on the fly. A teacher I know who teaches at a low income school district testifies that she's had black kids in her class with names like Kwnce (Should be Quincey but Momma don't know how to spell.) Then there are Mali and Femali (Actually spelled Male and Female) Mom said the hospital put these names on the birth certificate and she liked them so she went with them.
Given the interest these mom's have for creating new names, Mustang had some suggestions, as follows:
I would like to add these:
Gimme, WerIgetmymoneyfrom, GimmeGimme, NoKracker, Nodaddy, Hellyea, and LeroyRodgers who rides a white horse called Triggerman.
o - Moving on to the next item, Mustang and I note how our country is being turned into a giant day care center / Kindergarten class. If your local news is anything like mine, then you probably have a program called something like "9 on your side" Because gosh darn, we All need to have someone on our side. Not only are they pretending to be on our side, they are also constantly yapping about keeping us safe, actually saying "We'll Keep You Safe!" every 3-5 minutes. From the weather man, to the person not attractive enough to be on national news reading absurd stories about idiotic events or interviewing people with nothing useful to offer up. Ain't Nobody Got Time For Dat !
Well, if a tornado is headed my way,and I have the news on, they might just be able to keep me safe. Otherwise they are as useless as libtards in congress who think islands can actually capsize. Furthermore, what do the people who actually think news reporters can keep them safe do when the news isn't on? They must be hiding in the closet !
Ain't Nobody Got Time For Dat !
Last night, they had a guy on to tell us how we can avoid being blown up by the moslem vermin (In response to being compelled to say Something in regard to the Brussels attacks don't ya know). He had terrific advice such as: "Keep your eyes open" and "if you see something say something" Now there is some stuff you are not going to get anywhere else.
On this theme, note that there is a major Crisis in the Adult Coloring Book industry. Seems there is a major shortage of crayons and colored pencils. Yea, I'm not kidding.
Moving on then....
o - obama loves killing
Americans. Yes he does. (Combine this with little snowflake 18 year old kids being afraid of chalk on sidewalks that say "Trump 2016" and it is mind bending to know that all these little geniuses will be voting for the beast. But that's yesterday's news since the election outcome is probably already bought and paid for.
Well, there is no further business within this meme, and I can't send you to bed with such a disturbing thing on your mind, so let me close with something else.
I should mention that AOW said she was available once again for meeting minutes, but dang, it's school season and she has enough going on right now. In lieu of AOWs excellent scribing, I have stepped in and have done the meeting minutes. I've since lost them. One or more of our cats urinated on them and I had to toss them. requests for followup will be dependent on Mustang and My memory and degree of senility as the years roll on.