Monday, June 26, 2017

Russia, China, The Middle East.

Maybe I'm an idiot, but I find myself wondering why we are batting away at China and Russia - who Could be great allies in the war against the truly evil - moslem savages - vs why were are loading and reloading America's best into cannon's and shooting them at the cockroaches of the middle east.   Death is their reward.   

Come on, we all know there is not even a gain to be had for America in Afghanistan or any of those places. Someone needs to do some rethinking in regard to Return on Investment here.

Somehow I think mcStain plays a big part in this.  A Pox upon him.


  1. Excellent point. I hate to be called "COMMIE" but I'd like more talks between the Trump WH and Putin...interesting if USA/CHINA/RUSSIA got involved in some talks....and imagine what the media'd do if they were PRIVATE TALKS? OMG! :-) HAAAAAAAAAA!!! We'd be laughing out butts off at their HORROR~

    Yes, though I firmly believe that killing muslims in their breeding grounds is the best way to keep us safe (after all, we hear a LOT about islamists training over there then coming back and committing terror), I think we need to be more pinpoint....we have to know where that training takes place. TAKE THOSE PLACES OUT. With snipers...or something.

    Right? Did you hear that some sniper shot 2 MILES from his target and made it? WOWZIR!

  2. Yea, the libs need an enemy for America. Because They are and know they are they feel compelled to create fake enemies. It's simple really. A kid steals a cookie. Their first thought is how can I blame this on someone else and it is their only thought. The first one to smell the fart as it were. This is liberal America.

    Short of killing them all, no action in the ME keeps us safe or provides any return on investment - imo.

    The entire middle east is a training ground.

    Yea, 2.2 miles for a sniper shot. He has since apologized.

    1. Holy 2.2 miles , 11,616 feet, 3900 meters...a targets head must look like the size of an ant from that distance. How that's even possible makes this is an incredible feat and one hell of a talent. What was Chris Kyles longest shot? Just a bit over a mile wasn't it?

  3. So the apology is a JOKE, yes?

    And better minds than mine really do think it's best to kill them there...and I believe pinpointed, no-warning attacks could help.

    1. Z, Yes, Apology is a joke. Duffel Blog. :)

      I believe wide area massive destruction attacks until nothing is left moving would even be better.

  4. I think evil exists but it is difficult to pin-point where national interests end and pure evil begins. I tend to be a nationalist, which means that I expect all other countries to decide matters of import in terms of how they perceive such decisions will benefit them. Let’s face it, the only reason we have foreign trading partners is because they have something we want, and we have something they want. So this business of having friends overseas is hogwash. As with foreign trade, there are times when we can cooperate with others to achieve similar goals (e.g., ridding the planet of Moslems), but I would not trust a Russian or a Chinaman any further than I could toss them. Reagan told us, “Trust but verify.” I would change that to simply “verify”.

    Why did we go to Afghanistan, and why are we still there? The answer is that the American voter decided to choose the least worst presidential candidate to serve in the White House. From a field of stupid men, a stupid man was selected. We have no business in Afghanistan ...none. Trump needs to pull the plug on this drain to the US economy, and upon our departure leave them with this one enduring thought: you ever attack America again, we will nuc the living crap out of your stone age hell-hole.

    McCain belongs in prison; hopefully this will happen in the future, and I am equally hopeful that he will share a cell with Hillary.

    1. Mustang, I'm down with that. So, we assumed osama bin fartin was at Tora Bora. But we sent guys in from one direction, not both the entrance and exit routes. I have to say that really stinks up the joint.
      We should have sent guys in from both directions, and when bother teams were close but at a safe distance, shoot the cave complex with one of those explosive gas/fluid dispersal and 2 second or so later ignition devices or 10.

      Then we should have left Afghanistan.

      So, we have this war on drugs and opiates are the focus? I hear A-stan's poppy fields are doing just great. No agent orange to stem the flow? Some say we are there to collect the stuff so the CIA can bring it over and sell it to America. I'm neutral on the idea but have a hard time coming up with an opposing argument. I think that America is in such financial distress that they'd have no problem making money off of America's heroin addicts.

      Yes, Trump stated that America will not engage it's finest without a solid plan for success. We sure don't have that here or anywhere in the ME as far as I'm concerned. President Trump needs to make good on that promise and this is the perfect case. He didn't start this engagement. James Mattis (he doesn't want to be called secretary so... ) even said sending in more troops could make the situation worse. But we're sending in more troops? I have to call BS on this one.

      McCain and the beast in a cell. Now that's a pleasant vision. And a pretty funny one even though neither exude the least amount of humor.

  5. Not sure how productive of an alliance we could have with China and Russia. I'll be satisfied if it stays a cold unfriendliness (because that would mean obama was unsuccessful in completely transforming us). I agree we need to keep off the sand. Raining predator cargo from 10,000 feet seems like the best way to go.

    1. DaBlade, I'm not the best chess player, but it feels right to me to pull back from these areas, stop sending them money and let them know any attacks will be met with overwhelming destruction. Until the kids elect the next anti-American, moslem, lying sack of S again that is.

      China needs our business that's for sure. This is the time to carve out a foreign policy with China that is in our favor. They are not a rich country. They have one aircraft carrier? Not to imply we'd go total war on them but I think we're in a position to do some lying in 3 piece suits to get a lot more of what we want.

      Jack Ma (Alibaba) said if we curtail their product deluge into America it would be war. Let's see what kind of stones they have for that. It is Not Our Fault their people are starving !

  6. "Cold unfriendliness" is good, Dablade. It works for me, too, when it comes to relations with China and Russia. I don't believe we have any friends anywhere, not even here at home, but I do believe we can do mutually beneficial business together.

    1. Cube, Yes, under the right circumstances.

  7. I posted this yesterday. Kid said he and I were on the same wavelength. ;-) I think these words may apply better to Kid's post today. So here we go again with a bit of editing on my part:


    The United States HAS no "friends" –– only ungrateful objects of our charity, who resent the hell out of our (former) ascendancy –– and make no mistake about it –– that includes ISRAEL, who simply USES us as a CASH COW, and gives nothing in return.

    Worst of all, however, "we" are no longer "friends" with OURSELVES. The country is divided now as much or more as it was when Stinkin' Lincoln took office, and you know where THAT led –– the DEATH of 635,000 of OUR men and untold millions broken, maimed, made ill, driven insane and cast into dire poverty. –– and that doesn't begin to account for the widows and orphans.

    We cannot trust our lying, cheating, stealing, inept, venal, thoroughly corrupt, downright treasonous GOVERNMENT or anyone in the ENEMEDIA, the ENTERTAINMENT Industry or the ACADEMIC Community to tell us the truth about ANYTHING, so how in God's name could we hope to win a war against CHINA –– the land of barbarians who torture hundreds of thousands of little puppies and kittens to death making sure they suffer as much and as long as possible to satisfy the appetites of their BARBARIC population?

    We've grown SOFT. We've grown STUPID. We've grown INDOLENT. We've grown WEAK-MINDED, SELFISH, SELF-INDULGENT and DISHONORABLE. We've lost the concepts of HONOR, LOYALTY, PATRIOTISM and FIDELITY.

    If we decide go to war against Chine, we will be ANNIHILATED. We've lost touch with our CORE VALUES and most CHERISHED BELIEFS. Look at the stinking mess we've made of the Middle East and our relations with Britain, Europe and Russia!

    What makes you think we'd be any more successful i an attempt to reign in the meastasizing power of RED CHINA?

    We have been HOLLOWED OUT by the relentless assault on our nationhood and sense of mission by –– the LEFT.

    1. FT, The task in my mind is to get China, Russia, and the US together in talks and establish 3 things:
      - We all consider islam a cancer
      - There is a threat greater than a Crimea takeover or a S China Sea dispute.
      - Let's work together to once and for all eliminate the true evil on the planet and we can go back to our spats to keep our citizens in check and propagandized. That would be islam, N Korea mainly.

  8. great takes!! muslims were our enemy in our first war as a new Republic --Shores of Tripoli ring a bell? :-)
    as to mc "stain" --right on!! he is - may I say- a traitor!

    1. C-CS, and the Halls of Montezuma. It is 2017 for God Sake ! How is the human race still in existence? Questions without answers.

  9. BTW- I do agree that China could be an ally against our true- long term enemy- the muslims--

  10. If allying with them is in our national interest, we should do so.

    And, yes, both Russia and China will not put up with Moslem shenanigans. Putin, in particular, is a Strong Man, the only kind of enemy whom Moslems respect.

    1. AOW, We are not reading about moslem attacks in Russia. Either they don't get reported or they are not happening. I lean toward they are not happening.

  11. We should have withdrawn from Afghanistan years ago! We're wasting our blood and treasure there.

    I have a cousin who served in the USMC in Helmand Province. When he returned, he stated the following in answer to my question about how things were going in Afghanistan:

    Those people don't have shit, they don't want shit, and they're never gonna have shit. Being there is a waste of time for us."

    1. Yes. We do not pick ur battles wisely, and have made a hell of a lot of unneceessary trouble for ourselves ever since Truman fired MacArthur, because the great general wanted to attack the communist menace BEFORE it got too big to handle. BIG MISTAKE, Harry!

      Every conflict in which we've become involved since the end of WWWII has been fought to LOSE. And LOSE is all we've done since the early fifties.

      WHY should this be?

      Here's one Regretfully, I have come to believe we are run by the manufacturers and distributors of WAR MATERIEL. Apparently, endless war is really really good for business. The moguls of the War Profiteering Industry have no regard for the hundreds of thousands they kill, the property they destroy, the economic devastation they produce all over the world, ir the ENMITY they towards US they engender.

      And we wonder why so many hate our guts, and would like to see us bite the dust!

      Well, Eisenhower did warn us of this potential threat in his farewell address to the nation, but the profiteers went merrily on their way, and no one even TRIED to stop them. Their lobbying power is too great to resist.


      If we, as a nation, could see ourselves as others see us, we'd either REPENT or COMMIT SUICIDE.

    2. AOW, Perfect summation !

    3. FT, I've been looking at news headlines today and recently....

      - No funds for the Wall - to protect Americans
      - After 8 years of possible planning time, the useless RINO's can't come up with a health care bill that they will even pass.
      Our congress is bought and paid for.
      Can it be reversed? I think yes, but it is going to be one hell of an effort to replace 60? 70% ? of congress with Conservatives.

    4. Yes, Kid. The Oligarchs (Internationalists) will always do everything in their power to keep the fires of the War Machine well stoked and burning brightly. It weakens US, and renders us ripe for the TAKEOVER these scheming, power-hungry bastards have been planning for over a hundred years.

      The primary conflict is not so much between Left and Right anymore as between Internationalism (One World Government) and the sanctity of National Sovereignty, Self-Determination, and Individualism.

    5. FT, the globalist force is strong. It's latest weapon is global warming. Look at all the grief that subject has caused around the world. For Nothing.

  12. FT seems to have a problem with ISRAEL, and JEWS. As I've noticed he constantly seems to find fault with the USA's relationship with them

    1. So what? It's none of your business what or how I think. Please don't try to pick a quarrel with me. It's bound to be a waste of everyone's time.

      Our "relationship" with Israel has been deemed sacrosanct, because it is politially incorrect to express any doubts about it, find fault with it, or question anything about it.

      Political Correctness, which I regard as one of The Greatest Evils in the Modern World, ORIGINATED in the post-WWII Era because of the horrors of the Third Reich.

      What everyone needs to recognize and accept is that VICTIMHOOD, however severe, does NOT automatically confer SAINTHOOD on the victims –– and especially not on their PROGENY –– for all generations to come.

      I believe that CAPITALIZING on –– or actively seeking to take ADVANTAGE of –- the offenses one has been forced to endure is not only IGNOBLE it is downright DESPICABLE.

      VICTIMOCRACY has become the Curse of the Modern World, and the Greatest Enemy of Liberty yet devised.

  13. You are totally missing the point. According to a past president Russia was something to pay attention to 20 years ago but they are old news now. They could not affect our elections and should be ignored. Now you want us to give them the time of day, absurd. Afghanistan is a major producer of poppy seeds and the hollywood crowd and liberals don't want their supply to diminish.
    Jews believe in capitalism and secure borders so we cannot cooperate with them.
    It all makes perfect sense.
    The US is far too proud of our success and we need to step down a few notches

    1. Skudrunner. Me? I will say that the Russian people hate us and Putin thinks we are imperialistic, stomping all over the world in places we don't belong. We won't be friends that's for sure. We could work together on the big problems though.

      Yea, I never heard one solid speculation of how Russia could have affected our election since everyone agreed that no vote was changed anywhere. What a retarded concept the left has been pushing.

      I do think the CIa is bringing in he Opiates, mainly from A-stan.

      We'll be stepping down notches because we are not willing to make the hard choices to protect us from the cancer of islam that is alive and growing in America.

    2. Kid,
      I do think the CIa is bringing in he Opiates, mainly from A-stan.

      I used to think with certainty that our government wouldn't do such a thing. Now I'm not so sure.

    3. AOW, I'll even go so far as to say they hauled in the Maryjane to quiet the college riots during the Nixon days. Then they declared a war on drugs and turned it into a cash cow.

      If we didn't want it happening, we'd be agent oranging anything that looked like a poppy field from satellite imagery. The ones the gov uses can see a pack of cigs on 5th ave.

    4. Kid,
      The war on drugs is a bad joke. Or, as you say, something else entirely.

    5. AOW, If the man didn't want it happening (things of this scale) it would not be happening. To me, it is that simple.
