Wednesday, June 21, 2017


I see Steven Hawking is mouthing off and telling us that mankind must migrate to other planets within 100 years if our race is to survive.

Folks ! Put down the fantasy donuts !  Potential habitable planets (based on telescope and periodic element makeup analysis) are Light Years away.  A light year is 5.8 Trillion miles.  If you counted to 5.8 Trillion with one count per second, it would take you 190,054 YEARS.  We are not even sure humans can survive the trip to Mars which is roughly 33,558,000 miles away.

Can we stop with this nonsense. We aren't going ANYWHERE !  let's solve the problem here.  let's start by eliminating anyone who cannot get along with others.  Mohammedans spring to mind.  That's 1.5 billion right off the bat.

Next, I see where James Mattis was recently asked in an interview what keeps him awake at night to which he responded that he keeps others awake at night.  Damn Straight.  James Mattis is apparently keeping his neighbors awake at night.

Since this article was written, James has recently purchased a very large military looking vehicle, which he refers to as his Deuce and a Half (whatever that means) and has had a very sensitive alarm installed.  If a cat gets close to it and purrs too loud the thing goes off and sounds like 17 fire trucks barrelling through the neighborhood.  As mentioned nothing disturbs James' sleep so this freakin alarm goes until morning unless the battery goes dead before the sun comes up since none of the neighbors is willing to go ring his doorbell.

Mr Mattis has also switched his background music for drum practice from motorhead music to Joe Satriani's Cataclysmic.  The first minute or so will give you the flavor of how annoying that can be at 12:20 am.  (Mr Mattis goes total freak at the 2:00 mark)
One of the newest neighbors, one Ms Jane Puritan has recently sent a letter asking if he could "at least" switch the tune to Goodbye Supernova.  She probably won't be alive through the end of the week.

CNN was asked to look into the issue, at which point, they immediately closed all of their offices in the US and are now broadcasting from an undisclosed location while the presenters are all wearing disguises.

Additional stories about Mr Mattis can be found here.

Well, you're probably tired now.  I'll save the rest for later.



  1. You had me going about Mattis' drum set then I realized DUFFEL BAG is the satirical site you told me about ! WHEW!!!
    Steven Hawking; I'd have thought he'd be smarter than THIS!

    1. Good morning, Z, and Kid!

      I've been aware for a very long time that extremely intelligent people often have great difficulty fitting into the workaday world, because their minds are so fixated on concepts and phenomena most can't begin to understand that no one feels comfortable trying to talk with them.

      These super-intelligent people dwell on complex scientific concepts, and abstruse theories. They are, therefore, always searching inside their skulls for ways to prove or disprove the validity of the ideas that concern them most.

      Consequently they tend to be impractical, "absent-mnded," inconsiderate of others, neglectful of domestic concerns, uninterested in family life, etc.

      Worst of all they appear most of the time to lack Common Sense.

      I'd be willing to bet the farm that the arrogant, often-obnoxious, hopelessly crippled Stephen Hawking is just such a person –– poor soul!

      Imagine what it must be like to BE Stephen Hawking! Frankly, I SHUDDER to think what that must be like.

      Super-Intelligence too often has the sad effect of isolating those who possess it.

    2. I'll go step further and say that for many years I've thought Hawking was not quite as smart as people keep telling us he is. I know, I know - that's almost heresy. I stand convicted.

    3. Z, He is physics smart but I suspect not too practical smart.

    4. Ain't that kinda what I was trying to say, Kid? There are all KINDS of "smart." Genius is very close to insanity, so it's a good thing genius is as rare as it is.

      On the other and "normal" is pretty dull. We don't want too many of those around either.

      h Happy Medium is hard to find –– and even harder to hang onto, since everything is in a constant state of flux.

      As Gran6 8sed tansy, "It takes all kinds ofpeople to make a world,"

    5. FT, Now dang it I'm not smart enough to figure that one out. It does take all kinds of people to make a world, but to make a good one is a little different. Sometimes I think the Earth is a galactic social experiment.

  2. CAUGHT on DRUDGE this AM:

    Elon Musk: We'll create a city on Mars with a million inhabitants

    Elon Musk wants to create a self-sustainable city on Mars with one million inhabitants

    Sarah Knapton, science editor

    21 JUNE 2017

    A city on Mars with a million inhabitants could be achievable within 50 years, the space entrepreneur Elon Musk has forecast, as he laid out plans to turn mankind into a multi-planetary species.

    The SpaceX founder warned that humans would need to venture away from Earth to avoid a ‘Doomsday event’ and our ‘eventual extinction.’

    But he said that a huge Martian city could be established this century, which would not just be an outpost, but a fully functioning society with ‘iron foundries and pizza joints.’ ...

    And no, this is NOT satire.

    1. Oh man, FreeThinke - I can thing of a raft of people to send to Mars first.

    2. FT, Put me down for a million bucks in the No column. heh.

    3. Adrienne, I think our guest list would be almost identical !

  3. Poor Professor Hawking and the other very smart dumb humanists just chasing their tails. I'm with you, Kid. We have enough hateful alien lifeforms to deal with right here on erf in the Mohammedans. We should take care of that before even thinking about trying to grow potatoes in our own poop on Mars.

    1. Mr Blade, As Always a very common sense retort to such an idiotic idea. Pizza on Mars in 50 years? Mars has not enough atmosphere to keep the radiation from frying the pioneers. hahahaa and Greenhouse gas crap doesn't work, plus where would they get it anyway? A million VW Diesels to Mars? Unlikely. Coal mines and electrical plants? More unlikely. What is wrong with these people?

      No let's not latch on to the idea of running away from our problems here on Earth. Let's fix them like a bull in a China shop. Then we can think of riding bicycles on Mars that are powered by farts and banana peels.

  4. Life on an Earth-like planet. It's a wonderful fantasy, but a fantasy nonetheless. And a million people on Mars? Well, let's work on putting one person on Mars first and we'll worry about the other 999,999 later.

    1. Cube. Unreal isn't it. See above reply to Mr Blade.

      Earth (sans the assholes) is Eden compared to Mars. Rocks, sand, more rocks, more sand. Nothing of interest. I've seen the travel brochures.

    2. Adrienne, I anticipate Warmbier type news for anyone heading to Mars.

    3. Cube, actually if they sent say 300,000 good looking women to Mars, I'd head up there and take care of creating the rest !

  5. Stephen Hawking seems to have a penchant for making outrageous statements.

    He may be a brilliant physicist. But beyond that, he's pretty much a nut as far as I can tell.

    Mattis would have really fit into this neighborhood -- back in the day before all the liberals moved in (around 1983) and started complaining about goings on at their neighbors' houses.

    BTW, our neighbor Josh mows his lawn late on Sundays. And I mean late! He puts on a miner's hat to see his way. True story! Nobody has objected to Josh's strange hours for lawn maintenance. He doesn't take kindly to having his business butted into. What's more, Josh is a good neighbor in that he helps all of us shovel out when we have snowstorms.

    1. AOW, Agree Hawking.

      Well, just watch out if you see a drum set being delivered to Josh's place or a new tricked out Jeep parked out front.

  6. Well now you've let the cat out of the bag. I've been hoping to Convince leftists to travel to another star system (whether life is sustainable is moot), but now I guess we're stuck with them. Thanks a lot... 😐

    1. Mustang, Not to worry. I'm just pulling the rubber band back. Next month I plan a blog post, which briefly described, will detail how another Earth resides directly across the sun from us in the same orbit and you can get there easily. mohammed lives there along with every islamic woman/girl who ever lived and passed from the Earth. mohammed requires their assistance managing these women and girls. Given the planets rotational speed combined with a little rocket power, they can be there in a couple short months.

    2. love reading both your -Mustang -and your- Kid- thoughts :-)
