Sunday, June 4, 2017

Orion Nebula, Another Gift to Us From God

A Teaser too.  What else is out there? Oodles more. Believe me. Believe me.

You can see it with the naked eye.  Look for the Orion nebula in fall if you're in America, and the three stars of Orion are unmistakable.  The little smudge just below the bottom star contains all of this and more.

Heck yea click the picture for a description.


  1. I believe you. Wish I could see it for myself but where I live the lights are just too bright to see the beauty in the sky. My husband and I pine for the days we can live in a more rural place.

  2. I love that android app, Sky Map, that allows you to point your device at the sky and it tells you what you're looking at.

  3. Mr and Mrs Blade feel the same as the cubes... If it's after 9pm and I'm in my backyard staring at the sky, I am probably 3 sheets to the nebula. Only time I get a good peak with the naked eye is when we take our pop-up north and camp at Charlevoix or Mackinaw.

    1. is is time I visit my home state :-)

    2. is is time I visit my home state :-)

    3. DaBlade, it the same for most of us. I remember about halfway between Flagstaff and Phoenix, it was pure. You could see the Milky Way.

    4. C-CS, There are many places you can still see the sky at night. Just look at a night time image of the USA on Google or somewhere. Most is in the west.

    5. Lot of sky watching when the East Coast lost power for days.
