Saturday, January 11, 2020

Well, What the Heck Do Ya Think About This One?

Jewel box, mind constructed false images, shiny spinning whirlygigs, a little pornography, superfragilisticexpealadocious colors, lots of happiness with a little drama, 1950's hairstyles, radioactive Hollandaise sauce, custom tapestries, puppies, construction equipment, and much much more.

No doubt also - lots of love, love, love.

Salvador Dali would be jealous.

Click the pic to go to the APOD site, read the description, and click again to zoom in on the high resolution image that you can explore with your Grand kids and pets.

Bonus Picture


  1. There's a lot to see in that pic. Wouldn't it be nice if we could see that sort of thing with our "bare" eyes?? I've never even seen the Northern lights. Sigh!

    And kitteh? Or should I say "ambush kitteh?"

    1. That would be wonderful Adrienne. Most of these pics are heavily process and include multiple images overlayed. This one says it is combination x-ray and visible light.

      Yes, Kitteh appears to have a score to settle. I love that pic.

    2. Just hope Kitteh wasn't on the way down and caught in action... :)

    3. Bunk, we'll never know but that cat sure looks like it's on a black ops mission.

  2. I found everything but the 50's hairstyles.

  3. VERY beautiful and amazing outer space shot! Altho I must say the stars look so beautiful shining like Brenda Starr's eyes (remember?) !! But, you know me...I'm more into cats than that stuff, so I LOVE the WAITING CAT :-) I'd walk out the door, catch it, and hug it BIG time!

    1. Z, Yes, this was a very special image for me. Very interesting. Interesting that there are entire Galaxies intermixed as smallish elements of the whole scene. We take it as it is. Sorry, I don't know who Brenda Starr is. Ringo's wife?

      I love that cat pic. That cat is going to get some. I laugh every time I look at it and I'm up to about 3,000 views now.

  4. What a great ambush cat and the star thing's neat too. We need to get ftl sorted out and visit those places, so hurry up, USGOV, and reverse tech some alien propulsion systems. For the benefit of all.

    1. Well LSP, Albert tells us the speed of light is the universal speed limit. A light year is 5.8 trillion miles, and the closest alien star to the Earth is 1500 light years away. That's a lot of pizza and beer to haul.

    2. The One who put the stars in place and called them by name has promised me eternity to explore them.
      I can wait.

    3. That's exactly how I think of it Ed.

  5. Dang, I'm wrong, the closest star is Alpha Centauri - 4.24 light years away. But does it have any habitable planets? Maybe the cat knows.

  6. Kitty must not have liked that last can of food. LOL.

  7. GEE! All I want to do looking at that beautiful tuxedo cat caught in suspended animation (?) is run to get a ladder, and try to RSCUE it.

    I guess I'm just a sentimental sap!

    Cats ALWAYS seem to know what they're doing, but they sure AIN'T about to explain it to any of us.

    We're just not smart enought to understand –– they think –– and they may be right.



    1. Cats are much smarter than us Franco. If only they could speak our language.

    2. Right, Kid. After all just because they are so charming and endlssly fascinating they' vemanaged to get US to give them free housing, free food, free medical care AND in addition to all that they get US to act as their SERVANTS!

      .WHAt A DEAL!

      They've got to be GENIUSES to accomplish all that, right Kid?

