Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day to Me.

Nothing represents Memorial Day to me more than the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

I had already decided on this theme, but I just watched President Trump's speech at Arlington National Cemetery and note that he makes mention of the Unknown Soldier later in his speech.

If You've never read the details of being selected to be a Tomb Sentinel or what it takes to maintain oneself as a Tomb Sentinel, then this is a great and beyond informative read that will leave you with information you never imagined about some of our military members, specifically the 3rd Infantry Regiment whose job it is to defend Washington, DC.

I can't think of anyone who has more respect for those who gave their lives for country than these men.  These are better men than the vast majority of us, but I wish we could all have some element of this focus within us.

Excerpt: It’s noted that trainee guards will sometimes spend in excess of 10-12 hours per day just cleaning and preparing their uniform to get it to the exacting standards of their superiors who themselves will spend about 6-8 hours cleaning and pressing their own uniforms, despite their extensive experience in the task.

A couple Videos for those who have never been. The Sentinels particularly enjoy serving in inclement weather.  No joke.


  1. WOW, very interesting information on the Tomb and the Old Guard, thanks.
    I LOVED that the soldier took it upon himself to make people STOP laughing and talking like they were.
    Great post, Kid.

  2. What Z said... The parade rifle may not be loaded (is it? I have no idea)... but I bet he could swing it for a few ground-rule doubles for any millennial that doesn't adhere to the initial "request"...

    1. The weapons aren't loaded; this is a ceremonial guard. I suspect that the Tomb falls under the National Park Service, so that if necessary, arrests would be effected by them rather than the US Army.

    2. DaBlade, I can't imagine people laughing there. I was there as a Boy Scout and still get choked up over it.

  3. Magnificent ceremony and discipline by those who accept the responsibility of standing guard duty too.

    There's a good movie that covers this dedication well.. called "Gardens of Stone, with James Caan and James Earl Jones made in 1987. Taking Chance was another good flik about an officer returning to his home and family a soldier who was killed in combat. KevinBacon did really good jobs dignifying our war dead.

    1. IMP, Yes, and to me, these guys gave more than their all. Their families don't know what happened to them, nor have the ability to give them proper burial.

  4. I could never do it. That's some tough commitment.

    1. Ed, I couldn't either. I can't even imagine the level of commitment....Raises the respect level off the Richter scale.

  5. remember the hurricane-and severe weather --storm-- in the early 2000 - the first time the elite guards were told they could stand down--they did not--
    men of great honor--hard to find these days --
