Monday, May 15, 2017

John McCain is a Treasonous Ass

People have made good cases for that statement going all the way back to the Vietnam war.

Lately though, Rex Tillerson has swatted the communist fly

Will McLame go up against Tillerson?  We shall see.

Regards the details, tell us john, what oppressed nation has America actually Helped?  Take your time.

Then why recently, when the Trump administration was working a possible one more college try Diplomatic solution for N Korea did you find it necessary to call Kim Jong Un a crazy fat kid.   That pretty much guarantees he is not going to work with the USA one iota. Go ahead and give us that beady eyed heh heh heh girly laugh one more time.

You ought to be impeached yourself you worthless bag of cowardly bones.

Arizona voters.  Redeem yourselves and vote an American into the Senate in place of this idiotic 80+ year old assclown.


  1. Oh, ya....McClame has been a total ass, as you know. He said something else recently that I don't remember but I DO remember thinking "any bit of respect I had for you is GONE FOREVER"....he's horrid.
    I'm so glad you published this's fabulous and I am so proud of Tillerson. A difference between our VALUES and our POLICIES...what a terrific thing to say. "Hey, we're so sorry you're suffering and we wish you the best." That's our values....Our policy might be "We'll help if you stop hating us and actually try to help your own country too". right?

    1. Well yea, he gave that pathetic "dossier" on Trump to the FBI, the one with all sorts of perverted pro-Rueeian, God knows what else crap. A responsible person would have waited for a shred of evidence. Mccain and lindsey graham - a couple of communists in the senate.
      Mccain hates Trump. Not sure why. Maybe he cries himself to sleep every night saying But it was my turn, it was My turn....

      Anything he says is worthless and anti-American.

      Agree totally your last bit there. Policy - Values.
      At least 4 of them are worthless POS - mccain, graham, collins, murkusky.

    2. I don't know maybe he wanted to push us into Nukin the bastsrd? Maybe he doesn't want to go the diplomatic route that's failed for 25 years? Maybe he thinks that's our only alternative with North Korea? Which I happen to agree with and probably Trump and Tillerson do too.

    3. IMP, yea no question the diplomacy route is a dead end, but when your president of your supposed party is saying he wants to take a shot at it and you sabotage him at the perfect moment? A scheme cooked up between Trump and Mclame? I think it unlikely.

    4. That's precisely why it may be that simple sir.... because it'll be dismissed as "highly unlikely" out of the gate. People aren't objective anymore . Their politics are their blinders and for Chris sake it's as obvious as a rush hour car with a flat tire that's caused the jam.....NOT A FOOKING 45 car pileup that you want them to swallow cause you do.

    5. Could be. Mccain is a war monger, or at least that is his reputation. And we do want the fat kid to think we're not bluffing.

    6. I see another secret transmission from kim jong's palace coming on...

  2. he betrayed his fellow US military prisoners--that fact is seldom re told--

    1. Can you verify that? I dislike the guy intensely, but I hlave always heard that he voluntarily refused to take advantage of the opportinity to get out of the Hanoi Hilton early, because he kndw it would be grossly unfair to his fellow POW's.

      His father's status as an ADMIRAL in the USN could have gotten McCain an early release date.

      Anyway, THAT is the official story we've always been told. Who told YOU, otherwise, CS?

    2. C-CS, a Vietnam vet on a washington times comment section explained why McCain was treasonous with regard to vietnam but it wasn't while he was POW, something after he got back. I can't remember the details but it sound bona fide. In the end he'll never be charged and the idiots in AZ will probably vote him in yet again, so I'm not going to invest a whole lot of effort into it.

    3. And the fact that he had a well documented history of being a player a playboy a slacker who relied on nepotism to keep him in Annapolis a bottom of the class who really only graduated because of the political nepotism all in all a weak person morally physically and scholarly who preferred the easy path to life.... thus highly unlikely to suddenly grow wings a halo live for fellow man and a "hero".

    4. Yea, not much of a stand up guy. That probably describes a lot of politicians.

  3. An asshole to be sure, but TREASONOUS? Sorry, but I don't think so!

    Let's just call McPain what he is –– a FUCKING MORON and be done with it.

    THE question hanging in the air is "What the FUCK is the matter with the Arizonans that they keep sending this foul old fart back to the senate?

    1. FT, People in Arizona don't know how to vote.


  4. I may have told this before-humor me if I have.
    A young pilot sitting in his plane on the flight deck of the USS Forrestal heard a big boom,
    a engine back fire from another plane startled the young pilot and he reached down and unlocked the fire button - you guessed it - he pushed the red button and fired on another plane sitting on the flight deck that started a change reaction of planes blowing up that caused the USS Forrestal to go up in flames.
    Wikipedia says:
    An electrical anomaly had caused the discharge of a Zuni rocket on the flight deck, triggering a chain-reaction of explosions that killed 134 sailors and injured 161.
    Future United States Senator John McCain and future four-star admiral and US Pacific Fleet Commander Ronald J. Zlatoper were among the survivors.
    And the cover up started way back when.

  5. Show some appreciation, kid.

    By choosing Sarah Palin he greased the skids to make La Trump an acceptable candidate.
    You really should be grateful.

    1. McCain/Palin had nothing worth mentioning to do with Trump getting elected. Trump was elected because:

      - clinton is human garbage
      - Trump as a non-politician got a large number of people off their ass to vote for a chance at MAGA, who probably hadn't voted for president in decades. Cruz may have had a chance but any of the other standard issue politician republicans with their pathetic 'create jobs and tweak the tax code' platforms would have ensured the beast in the white house. McCain didn't figure into it other than being a standard issue repub that couldn't generate enough excitement to scare a woodpecker off its roost.

  6. Just think.... if McDickHead was a demrat.... he'd be dead already. Assuming the money eating vag was in the big seat.

    1. IMP, I'm verklempt.... If mcdickhead was a demrat I'm thinking he'd be even more protected than the morons maxipad and hanky johnson.... ?

  7. This talk of treason is a waste of time, IMO. The statutory elements of this crime are such that no one has been convicted of treason in the USA since 1952 ... this, in spite of the fact that there were plenty of opportunities in the persons of Jane Fonda, Ted Kennedy, and John Kerry. The law is useless, true of all laws that we refuse to enforce. John McCain, treasonous or not, is a stupid man and has no business in the US Senate.

    1. Mustang, it has been apparent that Treason is no longer a crime. Have you checked out manning's latest selfie? Yea, me neither.

  8. Pwease to make McLame go away and bling me moah Carista's kimchee.

    1. Mr Blade. I'm thinks mclame not going to make it 6 more years.... Carista's kimchee? You must pay... in advance... Nothing better on this flat Earth than Carista kimchee...

  9. I think McClaine should retire. He has far out used his usefulness. Please, just go away.
