Friday, May 26, 2017

Breaking News

Chelsea Manning declared most beautiful woman on planet after emerging from Leavenworth as fake female.  Bruce Jenner is not happy.  Horseface Jennifer Aniston is in tears. Again.

Chelsea Manning's sex change cost every American $1,372.04 Not counting the cost of a treason trial that will never take place because the person that committed the treason does  not exist anymore in its original form.

North Korea Section

US Lawmakers(oxymoron) propose Ban on Tourist Travel to North Korea, Further constricting evolution's inner workings to rid our society of dipsticks, dooffases and brainless twits.

Could a home in UK's Middlesbrough be a secret Nuclear ICBM launch site?

Kim Jong Un renames North Korea's 3 favorite dishes as pictured on the website from top right to bottom right. 1) John Kerry's brain  2) obama's balls  3) Pig in a Pantsuit.

As we anticipate next week's secret communique from North Korea, the world is wondering - Will General Wang replace General Dong?

End North Korea Section

Today John Boehner confirmed that America had chosen the perfect candidate for the White House by proclaiming that Trump has been a Disaster for America.
Recommended tweet to john boehner - Hey John, thanks for finally outing yourself as a libtard progressive.  Now get back on your barstool.

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau has directed the full force of the Canadian Intelligence Services to find out who stole his crayons and play-doh (And his playboy magazine collection spanning July 2001 - October 2001)

Maxipad Waters rips off her James Brown wig to reveal she really is James Brown and starts doing the good foot dance on the floor of the Senate - HAEEAEAEAEEAEAAA!

Nana Pelosi Criticizes Trump for Not Visiting Foreign Countries in alphabetical order

Hahahaha You thought I was kidding !


  1. I'm trying to think what that reporter might have done wrong to end up in a presser with Pelosi ... must have been a serious no-no. Beyond this, however, I'm trying to think why any reporter would ask her anything at all ...

    1. Mustang, they must be doing it for laughs. Maybe they'll think of some really interesting stumper questions to ask her, like what is your favorite color.

  2. If she WAS James Brown, she'd be making more sense.

  3. I know this is supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, but it makes about as much sense as what most MSM is putting out. It's almost impossible for me to find anything worth reading beyond a hysterical headline. I'd much rather look at what Melania is wearing.

    1. Adrienne, I read headlines likes this at least once a week. Well, I like to look at Melania too but with a slightly different focus. I did notice her attire particularly though when she was in Saudi Arabia.

  4. Can we book Chelsea Manning to NK vacation destination, stat!? NK is before SK alphabetically, so Pelosi shouldn't object.

    1. DaBlade, Absolutely and Nana should pay for it ! They'd put Manning on hard labor over there.

  5. @kid - Chelsea Manning's sex change cost every American $1,372.04

    You may wish to revise that.
    Using that figure the cost would have to be expressed in scientific notation.

    1. Mr Mallad, 98% of all figures are made up on the spot.

  6. Yesterday, I watch a video of Nancy Pelosi's presser. Strange. Even for her. Dementia?

    1. AOW, I'm thinking moreso excessive alcoholism producing an inability to think reasonably or even care. I'd say she's drunk most of the day.

    2. Kid,
      Brain damage from alcoholism? Could be. I don't know anything about her drinking habits.

      That said, I'd say a combination of pills and booze is quite likely.

    3. AOW, She spent 10k on booze for the 757 to haul her back and forth to San Fran. Maybe more

  7. @AOW ... her bar bill on Air Force 3 was $10,000.

    1. Mustang,
      What a boozer she is, then!

      No wonder she's losing it when she rambles in her speeches.
