Monday, August 21, 2017

Secret Footage Obtained From the Bridge of the USS John McCain

as the vermin merchant ship headed toward them on a collision course.

No disrespect to those those who have likely lost their lives in this incident.  May peace and comfort come to their families and friends sooner than later.

Fair Winds, Following Seas.


  1. Inquiring minds want to know-
    This has happened before.
    Are incidents as such a covert act of War?

    1. TS/WS. Honestly, it is baffling to me how a US Navy Destroyer can be so incomptent as to let a vermin merchant ship ram her amidships...

  2. On another note;
    WISDOM OF tHE CROWD, a new TV series. Is just what the Fascist orded.
    Now we are being brainwashed to rat on our family, friends, and neighbours.

  3. That is - we as a nation---the younger folks are the target audience.

    1. TS/WS, Yea our kids growing up communists. If they somehow take out the Washington monument I'd say it is game on.

  4. I can't understand how a US Navy Ship can be out maneuvered by a cargo ship.
    Don't the Navy have a radar up to date technology.

    1. TS/WS. These Navy ships are Fast. Between the radar and sonar it is inconceivable how a Navy ship could NOT avoid getting hit. Unfriendlies, gross incompetence on the bridge?

  5. I'm just asking the questions everyone is asking... what the hell happened and how can this event be avoided in the first place.

    1. Cube, my guess gross incompetence and or unfriendlies on the bridge. The amount of technology to avoid this is staggering.

  6. I did so love that movie tho... "By Grabthar's hammer... by the Suns of Worvan... you shall be... avenged!"

    1. DaBlade, yea great movie. Lots of great Star Trek references.

  7. military being P C d --look at the USMA--et al-- and the lack of vision on the part of our military 'elites' sad --wonder when the call for the removal of the Washington statue at West Point (USMA) will come >>>>>

    1. C-CS, obama did much damage to our military.

  8. It is incredibly, ridicules, stupid, and foolish to tear-down and destroy the remembrance of anything to do with our Countries History1 What is that going to prove?
    President Trump was absolutely right about the hatred on “Both” sides. The protesters hatred of the distant descendants of the confederacy and desecration of memorials is hatred and intolerable, the same as the Neo-Nazi marches. They are BOTH yes “Both” equally despicable. We are not a totalitarian state where you can "erase" our own history and make one sided. Many confederate soldiers did not favor slavery and fought because they felt their independent State was the victim of tyranny by the northern States. This included General Robert E. Lee.

    I hope every one of those violent, hoodlum, and vandals gets thrown in jail, and not only that, They should be charged and made to pay for the statues replacements. They need to be made an example out of, and STOPPED before some real tragedies starts to happen..
    And where is the end? Do we now destroy the Washington Monument next that was built in 1888? Why not? George Washington was a slave owner! .Should we take George Washington and Jefferson off of our currency and off Mount Rushmore?

    And where in hell are the police? Why wasn’t and why isn’t the law being enforced? Who has given these disgusting, worthless, filthy, communist, anarchist, thugs free reign to do whatever they want to do on our cities? If the local Police cannot handle these situations, someone at the federal level needs to find out EXACTLY why.
    These riotous thugs are being allowed to commit these criminal acts openly by the leftist politicians that control these states, cities, and towns. In fact people like Bill di Blasio are encouraging it...Public Vandalism is a crime and should be treated as one.
    They need to be given jail time and charged with civil penalties, these cretins should pay to have the statue restored. It's pathetic that the leftist media allows and encourages the radical left, Antifa, Black Lives Matter and won't blame them for their violence, their destruction of American history.

    Destroying public and personal property has become a favorite pastime for lunatics. It's time to hold people who do this accountable. Are the officials in theses cities afraid? You Pussy Hatters, can't blame this destruction on Trump.
