Sunday, February 23, 2020

Don't Try This at Home

Lion and his wiener dog friends.


  1. Reminds me that I just saw Call of the Wild today.

    1. ED, Animals are so much more civilized than people.

  2. I enjoyed that and it reminds me of my neighbor's roosters who cross the road and hang out with another neighbor's cats. Weirdest thing, they just lay there together, sunning themselves. Sweet.

    1. LSP, I LOVE cross breed love. Mad and I fostered orphan kittens for a couple years and we had Rottwiellers loving on tiny kittens. Loved it.

  3. Awwww. Now I want a grown pet lion!

    Ed, was the movie good? The cgi has me wary since PETA was so excited about it.

  4. SO cute! My friend has had nothing but Dachsunds and she'd love this...but she's 93, sharp, healthy, etc., and NO COMPUTER!!
    Lots of stories like this on line...all different kinds of animals we'd not expect would get along; they're so heartwarming!! Thanks, Bob...this was adorable!

  5. Z, I love these kinds of videos.

  6. Amazing! Made me feel iI ould get down on the floor with "Bonedigger" and give him a big hug, and roll around like a kd and be perfectly safe.

    Of course I'm not a Dachshund, but I still got a lotta love in me anyway, despite being inces way from my 79th birthday.

    1. Franco, I got a vid in email today showing a "tame" lion park where you ride around in a limo type multi seat row golf cart and lions run over, get in and rub on you and want you to pet them, etc. I would Love to do that. In one scene, a lion jumps in near the front, crawls over all the seat rows and rubs on a guy in the back seat.

  7. Sorry but the teacher in me HAS to tell you that those the proper name of those lively little "Wiener Dogs" is pronounced DOCK-sund..

    But what the hell! There's so much love in that group it wouldn't matter if you calld 'em rattlesnakes. (:-o

    1. Yea, I just used Wiener since the guys in the vid did
