Saturday, July 1, 2017

Lots to Look At - Messier's Catelog, All Within Small Telescope Range

But of course Monsieur and Mademoiselle, Click the pic.  Read down for the description by a smart person, hover over the picture, click again and again until your strength is gone...


  1. There must be a dozen or so galaxies holding maybe a hundred or so stars in that photo! That can't be real, can it? Kirk out.

    1. DaBlade, most galaxies have Billions and Billions of stars as Carl Sagan would say.

  2. Poets over the ages have waxed eloquent over NGC4065.

    1. Ed, check my reply to Cube. I almost remember those waxings but they come to me only in a dream like state and I cant remember them for long.

  3. The vastness of space boggles the mind ... and its beauty.

    1. Mustang, it is why I love it so, and smile at those who insist on defining it. The last estimate is that there are 10 trillion galaxies, each having billions of stars and trillions or more planets.

      I love Carl Sagan's definition of infinity. "Think of the largest number you can imagine and just add 1."

      God knew these peckerwood scientists would come along and He presents them with an impossibility.

  4. Ah yes, NGC4065, but then there's NGC4477. Now there's a galaxy.

    1. Ed, Cube. NGC4594 is My favorite. The Sombrero Galaxy Click the link and click again to zoom in on that mother. Imagine all the goings on in that future star based feature film cast member.

  5. A few days ago I said that we human beings are probably the moral eqivalent of PLANKTON floating in the vast expanse of the Cosmic Sea.

    Looking at this with the accompanying data I've changed my mind. We are more like SUB-ATOMIC PARTICLES –– possibly even less. And yet, somehow we MATTER.

    If that doesn't encourage stronger belief in the existence of a Supreme Being, I can't imagine what would.

    1. FT, Actually the size isn't even definable. Carl Sagan's view that I agree with is that size extends to infinity in both directions. Solar systems as atoms, atoms as solar systems. Imagine the creatures living on a proton or a neutron, let alone an electron. The electron folks would probably be AC/DC.

  6. We puny humans cannot comprehend the awesomeness of God ...
