Saturday, October 13, 2018


Hell Yes !


  1. Little did he know what was coming......yes, it would be a "pity" if "Under God" was removed from schools "as if it were a prayer". And it will be. Probably soon.
    Here's a MAN, a real man, who loved his country and wasn't afraid to say so....great stuff.

    1. He may have seen it coming Z, Paul Harvey sure did.


  2. A reminder of what was. No one even questioned that this was the thing to do.. More than "under god" will be removed. How about the whole thing.

    1. Looks that way Bunk. At least we got a few people paddling in the right direction.

  3. millennial feminist: OMG! Why is this cisgender old white guy mansplaining his toxic masculinity while ignoring my truth?

    1. DaBlade, I'm having breakfast ! You're right though. Losers out of control.

  4. I was born a few months before Pearl Harbor, and I have clear and vivid memories of the SPIRIT TONE, TEMPERAMENT, ETHOS and CHARACTER of our country the mid-to-late 1940's –– and beyond.

    Only my faith in God, and my personal determination to stay in close touch with the talismans and cultural icons that define and preserve the little that is left of Better Times keep me from despair.

    We SHALL overcome, but the price we're gong to have to pay for doing so will be HEAVY.

    Red Skelton was a beloved CLOWN to most Americans, but for all his pratfalls and nonsensical antics there was no trace of bitterness, cynicism, icnoclasm, snideness or sarcasm in anything he did.

    It's reat to have this remunder that underneath his comic persona wa serius, deeply patriotic, totally benevolent American man.

    Thanks, Kid, this was great.

    1. Franco, Yea he was a great guy.

    2. Now too many people think everyone are OK. Let alone think that diversity and equality as concepts are good things..

  5. I think Bunkerville is right. The pledge of allegiance is a loyalty oath and the problem we have in a pluralistic society is that not everyone believes in God. An oath rendered under a belief in God has no effect if the person taking it is an atheist.

    The courts have said that a requirement of an employee to promise support to the government as a condition of their employment is constitutional as long as the requirement is reasonably related to the employee’s fitness for a particular position. On the other hand, loyalty oaths that infringe on a citizen’s ability to exercise their constitutional right of free speech, or of freedom of association, must be narrowly focused to achieve a legitimate government objective. If an oath is too broad or vague, the court may find that oath to be unconstitutional.

    If that is our marker, it is only a matter of time before the pledge of allegiance is a thing of the past.


    1. Agree of course. In order to have a culture, the majority have to all be playing the same game imo. That doesn't seem to be the case much these days. Straying off topic a touch, Immigration is not an immigration issue it is now national security. Those repubs better make some America friendly immigration laws. Top of my list these days. Was at Costco yesterday and counted more Indians in there than Americans and every set of two had an anchor baby with them. H1B visa people mostly working for P&G I'm assuming but dang. Well, Indians are at least not moslem savages.

      Yes, Culture or values cannot be forced upon people.
