Saturday, October 13, 2018

101 Reasons Why The Federal Reserve Should be

Shut Down.


  1. Since Trump appoints the Fed chairman, and he serves at the pleasure of the president, The Donald should just fire the guy and get someone in there who does what he is told.

    Janet Yellen took her marching orders from Barry, and toed the line and kept interest rates at 0.00%.

    1. I could live with that for starters Fredd, but I don't feel the Fed should exist at all. It is not an organization focused on the American Citizen or America.

      I remember smart people back in the days of Louis Rukeyser who were railing to get rid of the fed. Then again I sure wouldn't want Congress determining monetary policy, or any given president. It's a catch-22.

    2. The Federal Reserve is a necessary evil. It is relatively independent, to a point. Give the monetary tools that the Fed has now back to Congress, you can bet that those fools will screw up our economy as badly as Obama screwed up health care.

      The way the Fed is set up now, any given president CAN manipulate monetary policy by being the sole source of Fed chair selection. If you think that Obama selected Janet Yellen without first sitting her down and telling her to keep rates at zero or get her pink slip, you are kidding yourself. Although I wasn't in the room at the time, I can confidently tell you that conversation went down just like I said.

    3. Government at any level is all manipulation Fredd, so I don't doubt that for a second.

  2. the Fed was created by Progressives in the early days of th era that bears theit name. As far back as Woodrow Wilson "PROGRESSIVES" were much in favor of On World Government. the Fed is NOT an AMERICAN entity. I'm almost certain i favors gLOBALISM.

    That ALONE should tell us it ought to be abolished.

    GLOBALISTS are fundamentally ANTI-AMERICAN. Trump is very PRO-American, God bess him!

    So, it stands to reason the Fed would act in ways that UNDERMINE President Trump's great success.

    That I beleve is tHE erase for the rate hike that panicked te market last week.

    It was an ATTACK n President TRUMP.

    So far, I'm the only ine who has said it out loud.

    Guess why?

    1. Wouldn't doubt it Franco. I've floated the theory that this was a mid-term election stunt. All the fat cats on wall street are democrats. They short the market, sell it off, cover for much profit, buy at the bottom and win coming and going.

  3. Okay ... but if we are going to have this conversation about getting rid of the Fed, we need to have a conversation about what to replace it with. We cannot return too a time of unregulated banking.

    1. Mustang, Agree as my comment above to Fredd's 1st. What a predicament.
