I fit Bocopros, Mustangs, Bobs definitions of 'Nationalist and Patriot'. I also happen to be white, or as I prefer Caucasian as a distinction from Asian or Negroid. Everyone here is smart enough to know there are only 3 races on the planet. That's it...a simple 3. So that excludes countless ethnicities like Latino or French from being classified as a race. Am I right so far?
So as I watch the stupid, mindless evil ( white ) asswipes on CNN, etc mock and accuse all of us who like the definitions, enemies of the state or Nazi's or what??? Them denying it among themselves is no surprise to any of us....none of them love America as we do...none are willing to defend America as many of us here have who wore the uniform. And those here who didn't, I feel have far far more love for the country than 185 members of the DemRat social club in Congress and the other 49 stains on the bottom of our shoes. Picture of Waters and Ovomit playing huggy with Calypso Louie F of the NOI?
That bomber nutjob? ( I think his list was pretty accurate of the true America haters and those who have nothing but contempt for the rest of us ) Do you think he was a Nationalist and loved his country too? Is Cuomo a Nationalist when he says "America has never been great"? How about Don Lemon and his smarmy smug face that needs an equalizer when he says this is what happens when a Negro reads a book and the blacks around him laugh heartily cause they're too stupid to know he's just mocked them with a stereotypical homerun one would expect from Bull Connors or Al Gores old man or George Wallace??
Yet...I stand firm in my belief that America is the best country on the planet...hands down and yes, superior.
What say you?