Monday, July 16, 2018

Robert Mueller's Team Finally Finds Neutrino Colluding With Russian Quasers

With equipment frozen deep into ice beneath Earth's South Pole, humanity appears to have discovered a neutrino from far across the universe. If confirmed, this would mark the first clear detection of cosmologically-distant neutrinos and the dawn of an observed association between energetic neutrinos and.....

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  1. Replies
    1. Yes Ed. Actually no colision with neutrinos. Millions of them pass through our bodies and the Earth all day long.

    2. I thought there was something going I thought that buzz I felt was just my deplorable state...

    3. Bunkerville: The solar neutrino flux for us on Earth is about 65 billion neutrinos, passing through just one square centimeter of area on earth, every second. That's a lot of neutrinos. And almost all of them pass right on through the earth and out the other side..

  2. PASS THROUGH OUR BODIES? Not MINE, buddy! :-)

    1. Z, Oh yea, Billions of em.

      The solar neutrino flux for us on Earth is about 65 billion neutrinos, passing through just one square centimeter of area on earth, every second. That's a lot of neutrinos. And almost all of them pass right on through the earth and out the other side..

    2. Ed, I have always felt that way.

    3. I feel violated too but I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

    4. Me either Mustang. I feel neutrino enriched.

  3. I was just thinking that if scientists aren't sure about stuff, they ought to leave it alone. It kind of reminds me of the geniuses who first developed the notion of nuclear energy without rationalizing what ought to be done with its radioactive fuel cell waste. Now, of course, no one ever asked me for my opinion, but I should think that all radioactive waste should be buried underneath the US Capital. Why? Because, humanitarian that I am, burying it under the US capital wouldn't endanger human beings.

    1. Mustang, You would think 'scientists' would have some idea the negative effects of radioactive fallout on humans on the planet before doing 18,000 nuclear tests above and below ground for example. We sure are a bunch of screw ups. Under the Capital is fine by me. I'm not planning any trips to DC anymore.
      btw Thorium/Molten Salt Reactors are 100% safe from meltdown and eat the waste from conventional uranium reactors.

  4. As I recall Mustang, no one was sure what was going to happen when that first super collider thing a ma jig went sometimes to leave Mother Nature alone.

    1. Bunk, I remember that one. The experts conceded they might create a black hole here on Earth and we'd all get sucked in.

  5. Dang, I knew I shoulda paid more attention in astronomy class.....
