Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Yeth, I Willbs Travel Through Spaces Por 533+ Days Ricking Great Damage to My Person

Just so I can go gaze upon the most boring shit in the universe that I've already seen 50,000 times too much of already courtesy of Rover pictures - rocks and Martian sand.

But hey, Lets bill it as the perfect liberal paradise and also mention that Allah lives there.  Let's start building rockets by the millions and offer discounted rates.

Click the Picture for a description and the ability to click again and zoom in on some really boring shit.  Should I mention there won't be any pizza parlors or halal food there.... Naw.


  1. Did I see a Space Alien turd sticking out from under a rock there in the middle?

    1. Mr Hecht. In fact it was the body/skeleton of a dead Mermaid.

  2. Looks like a great nuclear waste disposal site.

    1. Ed, actually Thorium/Molten Salt (Breeder) reactors eat nuke waste for breakfast and are 100% safe from meltdown.

  3. love your SARC!
    AFA the post below-
    I believe we have become Detroit- and - thus- a third world country...

    1. C-CS, Thanks! We are getting there fast with obama and soros stirring up the natives to a fever pitch. not to mention so really bad cops.

  4. Replies
    1. Z, I can't imagine who would want to go there. There is nothing there. There will be nothing there for decades and even then still basically nothing there. They won't be breeding animals to consume. All vegetable, grains, and the like. No milk to produce dairy products. So here you are looking out at rocks gnawing on leaves.
