Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Most Interesting. Water is Not the Problem. Melt the Ice !

Isn't it interesting that as the population of the Earth expands, that somehow more water is provided to the planets inhabitants ?

If we can assume that warming and ice melt is true in the first place. What a beautiful natural solution to an easily seen problem.  Generally speaking, the Earth has gotten warmer over the last 15-18,000 years since the last "Ice Age", so to some extent the warming thing is happening.  And for Good Reason I'd say.   Embrace the Change ! (but screw the hope)

Click the picture to go to the APOD site and get a description of All The Water.


  1. The dinosaurs were happy for a good long time, and the world was plenty warm then.

    1. Opus, I've read and believe that Warm and No Ice is Earth's most natural state. It is also one which provides the utmost of water and food resources.

      If Jimmy Buffet needs to move away from the Florida Keys someday, Oh Well.

      So, you folks in the California. Do you notice the ocean getting closer to the Coaster Bar on Pacific Beach near the terminating point of I-8 in San Diego for example?

      I'll bet I could head out there and not see the ocean any closer or higher on the sand beach there. I could be wrong, haven't been there for 20 years.

  2. Kid, you have GOT to see THE GENESIS CODE....you're the only person I know who'll UNDERSTAND IT!
    Truly interesting video story where a physicist figures out that the six days God created Earth in actually makes scientific sense. SO cool!

    1. Z, I'll check it out. Sounds familiar actually. Anyway, I have no problem with reconciling 6 billion of today's years into 6 of today's days when the big bang occurred. It is believed, and I do, that our understanding of the laws of physics do not exist beyond the event horizon of a black hole. And a black hole is nothing compared to the big bang. I've also read from "the experts" that most of the universe was formed within billionths of a second of the big bang event. I have no problem with that either.

      Genesis Code. I sent myself an email :)

  3. So many people love their lives by what ifs. Most what ifs never happen.

    1. Admiral, and the extremes never seem to come true either. It would seem this planet knows how to take care of itself.
