Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Don't Read The Freakin Bill !

Reading the Health Care Bill is like being a little bit pregnant.

Reading the Freakin Health Care Bill is like sleeping at a Vampires House with the Caveat that You Have to be outta there by 6 am latest.

Reading the Health Care Bill is like only using 2 inch nails in the nail gun you apply to your forehead and pull the trigger with wild abandon.

Reading the Health Care Bill is like Only Eating a Half Box of Rat Poison !

Reading the Health Care Bill is like saying Barney Frank can be rehabilitated.

Reading the Health Care Bill is like saying Rich Simmons is only a little bit gay.

Reading the Health Care Bill is a Colossal Waste of Time.

Reading the Health Care Bill Pretends there IS a Health Care Bill


  1. Well, that must be why must of those who have to vote on the bill will never read it.

  2. As long as they vote HELL NO Dave.

  3. they wouldn't be able to afford my anti-depressants.

  4. They wouldn't pay for them anyway Ms Cat!
