Sunday, September 27, 2009


Liberals are always looking to 'experts' or to the internet to find justification for their adolescent beliefs. Just for the hell of it, I went to google and entered "why you shouldn't put your hand over flame".

No good relevant advice appears on the first page. But guess what? Here's the advice that Does appear on the first page - How to make fireballs you can hold in your hand - with instructional video!

LOL! Maybe it's late but that says it all to me. Lol.


  1. Fireballs I can hold in my hand? I could use that!

    Side note: If you can eat at ANY Chili's restaurant "today only"...100% of the profits go to St Jude Children's Research Hospital

  2. Has somebody leaked to you that my nickname is Fireballs? Don't ask.

  3. I could have used this information about 40 years ago when I was young and stupid.!

    Which brings us back to Liberalism.

  4. That is Hilarious, Kid.
    I think the libs, and esp. their dear leader,
    should make them and then put them on their head and maybe they'll all blow up.

  5. Certainly something for people with time on their hands.
