Saturday, August 14, 2021

Just Some of the News Out There Today..

Micro-thin plastic bags being banned in stores everywhere. All products now required to be encased in heavy plastic for transport out of store.

CDC plans to use the names of Constellations for Covid variants once they run out of Greek letters. After that they will use the names of cars and trucks.  When they get to Winnebego, look out as that will be the granddaddy of them all.

Transgender sex robots, the newest and most popular items from Japan, are committing suicide by plugging themselves into 220 volt outlets.  Cause being investigated.  Owners advised to block outlets.

Social Media companies unable to define what community they are talking about when they cite community standards.

Major earthquake in Haiti.  EMTs called to clinton households.  Entire Clinton's family members passing out and falling over in anticipation of the huge amounts of donation money for their offshore personal accounts that idiots will send them.  Remember - Send Cash.

U.S. Citizenship no longer required for many LA County government jobs.  Biden expected to follow suit for all federal government positions, according to experts.

Social Security checks to increase by 38% in 2022.  (Gas, food, energy, and housing prices to rise 44%)

New Reality show: Supreme Court decisions now being made by Muppet characters.

US Citizens everywhere are complaining about having too much freedom.  Makes them nervous they say.   Government agrees and is working on plans to alleviate the situation.

Mothers Having Fits Over Home Schooling All Across America

Lucille for example has two daughters 7 and 8 and decided it was time to start sex education so she got them attentive and started talking about the birds and the bees.  

She soon realized she'd have to talk about bees wanting to be birds, birds dressing like bees, bees dressing like birds, birds thinking they were frogs, bees getting changed into salamanders...
After a couple minutes, she just exclaimed "Aw Screw It !"

The girls said "Oh, we know what that is".

Lucille breathed a sigh of relief and continued on with a math lesson.


  1. Excellent recap, Kid. You forgot to mention where we can send our donations to the Clinton's for a Wealthier Clinton Dynasty Foundation. I don't have any money, of course, thanks to Biden's inflationary policies, but I do have a few items I could wrap in wax paper and send in a plain brown wrapper carefully packaged to avoid bio-hazards. As to California hiring non-citizens, states' rights baby. Only thing is, no one ever got around to clarify whose states we're talking about. I guess Mexican states were bundled in. Personally, I love those bundle deals and can't get enough of 'em.

    1. Thank you sir. Anything valuable you can send through my address and I will forward it. Trust me. The other stuff can be sent to anyone in government anywhere.

      Now, I'm being assured that only America Loving, Conscientious, illegal aliens will be hired to run California's critical resident support agencies.

    2. I try Ed. There is only so much a cat can do ya know. Specially when some retired Marine is always getting in the way.

  2. Biden is SO Jealous of Trump's accomplishment, and the remarkable legacy that will follow him that he spent his first-day in office dismantling his predecessor's legacy, by signing dozens of executive orders to wipe out his long list of accomplishments....By Reinstating the Iran Deal, Moving the Embassy out of Jerusalem, Lifting the Restrictions Against Red China, Higher Taxes, Opening the Southern Border, with Millions of Illegals Flooding In, Increased Welfare, Job Killing Environmental Wacko Regulations, Worshiping a Criminal by Erecting Statues of Him, The Destruction of Constitutional Rights, Giving Away the Store to Foreign Welfare Queens, A Weakened Military. everything good that Trump had done for us the Delusional Creep wiped out. And now he finds him self deep in Doo-Doo by the way he BOTCHED UP the exit of out Troops from Afghanistan.
    And this is what they call .a return to what they call "Normal".

    1. Naw, Biden is a cardboard cutout, and so is Harris. Just the latest frontmen for the democrat/communist war on America.

  3. tell me about plastic bags....what the..???

    1. Hey Z, well our store still provides those micro thin plastic tote bags to carry your stuff out, but I know some places stopped using them. I also notice half the stuff I buy comes in thick plastic containers ! It's one of those stupid things.

    2. I don't GET it...! If the greenies want less plastic, why not let us use MICRO THIN plastic? GAD!!!!

    3. Z, those that don't provide, don't provide Any bag. They want you to bring your reusable cloth or whatever bag to haul your stuff. And of course if plastic is a problem, it aint' Us. You can find videos of literal rivers of plastic coming out of Haiti, or Africa, China, India, etc. But let's not talk about that. let's make Americans feel like they're the ones 'ruining' the planet.
      Another facet of being surrounded by BS here in the US.

    4. The Austin, Texas city council outlawed plastic bags years ago. If you want shopping bags, you have to purchase a non-plastic shopping bag and take it to the store with you. Or you can use cardboard boxes. Or you can carry your purchases by hand out to your car. In England, you can have plastic shopping bags, but they charge you ten shillings for each one you use. Come on, man ... we're saving the earth.

    5. Mustang, I've already saved the planet. If only people would realize.

    6. Gordon Food Service never used bags. They have always offered a selection of the boxes that that food gets shipped to them in.

    7. I'm glad to know Gordon's is helping save the planet for the apes.

    8. Naw, they're just cost saving. They mostly sell to restaurants who buy in bulk.
      I buy my bacon, gourmet mints and cookies in bulk :)

  4. I am sure Hillary is already on her way to Haiti to share her well as her brother living large on his Haiti Gold Permits....

    1. The hildebeast is sending someone since the creature can barely walk the3se days.

  5. We have all shed so many tears over the past year and a half, we shed teats for those loved ones who gave their lives because of the stupid police of a Lousy Governor who finally was forced to step down or be Impeached, as he should have been a long time ago.
    It has been said before and it bears repeating: Freedom is not free; we must thank those who have in the past and now fight for our freedom. God bless them and keep them from harm's way. Support our troops and pray for them. And keep us free fron those who wish us harm. And while I’m on the subject of keeping us from those that wish us harm, We MUST not allow those IDIOTS on the lft who are trying to destroy our Cities by De-Funding the Police.

    The closer the Democratic’s get their idiotic way The more the American people smell a rat. The Democrats and their leaders in the White House as well as in the House have gone full Bunkers with their new additions of the “Squad”, along with the Nut Job Nancy Pelosi, they have become the Party of Evil But Mr. Bubble Ears says, it’s his dream to Transform America to the Socialist Dream that these Insane people feel is their Goal. And they don’t want to hear ANY opposing views. They want their bills to pass at all costs.. Just another example of the arrogance exhibited by the “Messiah”. When Schumer and Pelosi and her gang can bribe the entire partyt o vote for their Commie way, it’s time for the whole lot of them will get to retire on annual six-figure taxpayer pensions regardless of whether they are voted out or not. Something is wrong.
    But guess what, you will not silence the freedom & liberty loving AMERICANS. We have heard and we have had enough! WE ARE TAKING OUR COUNTRY BACK.
    We will NOT bow down to you. We will NOT let your goons run us out of town. We will NOT shut our mouths so you can take our country and freedoms away.
    NO, I THINK NOT! We will fight and we will win this war. You have awakened the silent and hard working people of this country.
    This is a rally call to all those on the sidelines. Wake up now! This is a turning point in the history of our country. Do not let this man and those that have taken up arms against us win the battle of America.
    We need to revolt! They can't throw us all in jail. We can not be afraid of them. We need to fight for our freedoms, we can not sit back and just watch this happen.
    And we have to throw Michael Steele out and get a fighter to head the party.
    May God help us defeat this bill, get rid of these awful people who are trying to ram legislature we don't want down our throats, and put our country back on the right path

  6. Pelosi Praises Biden’s Handling of Afghanistan Debacle,
    Also Known As Dumb & Dumber

  7. Earlier this week video was released of President Biden’s son Hunter Biden naked with a hooker complaining about Russians stealing his laptop for blackmail purposes. Hunter Biden filmed the whole thing and kept the video on his laptop that he later abandoned at a computer repair shop in Delaware.This is a national scandal like Nothing this country has ever seen before. Certainly, dirtbag Chris Wray and the FBI are on top of this? And yet Not One mainstream liberal outlet even ran the story!


  8. What Happened to this Country in such a short period of time.
    I just blinked and the whole country turned upside down.
    The Democrats are hell bent on demonizing Half the Country that are not under the spell of the Progressive-Socialists, the House that Pelosi built seems as if they just stepped out of a horror film. And a new organization known as Black Lives Matter is Blackmailing every White Corporation that they can.
    What ever happened to the American Dream? What ever happened to Baseball and Apple Pie?
    I guess that Baseball was taken over by the “Oppressed” Group, The same “Oppressed” Group that makes several Millions of dollars a year by throwing around a Baseball , as the other “Oppressed” Group, that also makes several Millions of dollars a year by throwing around a Football. It’s now “Cool” to disrespect the American Flag, and to get down on one Knee to DISRESPECT our National Anthem.
    And Apple Pie is now considered to be Racist by the Cancel Culture Group, a group who is so Insane that they banned Childrens Books, a an Cake Syrup, and even a Children’s Disney Movie.

    A Gold Star family is no longer Pitied, or felt sorrow for their misfortunes, but looked upon as “Rightwing Nuts” who were so Proud of their Country that their Son, or Daughter enlisted in the Military to serve our Country. And didn’t come home again. Or came home without an Arm, or a Leg, or both.
    Half ot the country Hated our 45th President because It didn't work out as they wanted to in 2016, and the Crooked Women who Lied, Cheated, and only God knows what else lost the election. They Hated Mr. Trump so much that they put a Seniol, Demented Old Fool named Joe Biden as the President, the President who won without even coming out of his Basement to Campaign until a few weeks prior to the election and then Campaigned on Parking Lots wit about 20 cars in attendance. While his opponent held rallies with 10's of Thousands in attendance and even thad to turn many more away.
    Yes Biden became the President and he was considered a joke in the international community... Even our allies considered him a Stuttering, misfit and our enemies knew he was ill disciplined and easily manipulated, because he had the mind of a child. ...

    Last night the lying Biden, the stammering fool gave the country a speech giving his reason for his the lying Biden or the stammering fool. He started by saying that “The Buck Stopped With Him” And that HE will take all the responsibility for what happened. Except one minute later he pointed his finger at Donald Trump, and even Georg Bush.
    As we watched the news last night, what we saw was Violence and gunfire erupting at the Kabul airport as thousands of Afghans and others were trying to evacuate Afghanistan following the Taliban takeover mass take over of our Embassy, our Embassy Staff In Afghanistan was evacuated leaving everything including weapons, Vehicles, High Tech Equipment. As were everywhere else.

    At one point, numerous Afghans and others tried to hold on to the outside of an American plane as it was departing the airport, according to video footage. At least one person fell hundreds of feet after the plane took off, other footage shows. “I saw one person grabbing the plane when it moved and then later he fell down.....The news showed thousands of people crowding around military planes on the tarmac trying desperately to get out They said that beheadings were soon to come, and Biden insisted that he did the right thing. As he walked off the stage NOT taking ANY questions, but returned to his Vacation at Camp David.
    Leaving the Afghan people are on their own now while the world watches in silence..

    1. It's been this way a good long time. Trump just pulled the curtain back on it.
