Saturday, April 24, 2021

Earth Day, Earth Week, Yada Yada. The Plastic is Here - Our Job is Done

 In celebration of Earth Day !


  1. One of my favorite Carlin rants. But I want you to know I did my part. I had a cavity filled on Earth Day and I feel good about that.

    1. I feel good too Mustang and I will notify those who keep track of such things.

  2. Earth Day is so very, very special.

    Btw, the pup's shown remarkable resilience this last week, and now we're trading in quarters instead of pennies. Huh. Me? Holding.

    1. Earth Day - Please make up more BS so you can tax us more ! Ah, that's better.

      I see nothing wrong with that handsome pup LSP ! To the Moon Alice !

  3. I saw George Carlin on a Ed Sullvin show the other nite.
    And Carlin blinked rapidly with the left eye then blinked rapidly with the right eye.
    While keeping the other eye open.
    Then rolled the left eye round and round and round and so on for a while, while keeping the right eye open and centered.
    But did not roll the right eye.
    Everyone has limitations I guess.
