Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Mustang Wants a Cat Stampede

But of course Monsieur


  1. Ha ha ... now let's see you get them rounded up for branding. Hint: wear gloves.

  2. Replies
    1. Adrienne, we had kitten stampedes at feeding times when Mad and I were fostering. Seriously. Ha ! 3 times a day.

  3. that's a LOT of cats! So cute.....I've only had 2, no more than that at one time, but they could smell tuna from upstairs and a dead sleep when I opened a can, and came running :-)

    1. Well Z, you'll never be labeled a crazy cat lady !

      Reminds me of a pic I saw on the net. Boy and girl cats heading toward a house and one of the the girl cats says "Are you sure she'll take us in" and the guy in front says "My friend, she's 46 and never been married. We'll be treated like Kings and Queens."

  4. I've never seen one I didn't feel srong urge to take home and love.

    I'v had as many as four, but NEVER any MORE.

    Don't wan my neighbors ganging up on me making trouble and trying to have me committed. (:-o

    1. And don't think they WOULDN'T. Buncha bastards. Most of them Defecrats.

      'Nuff said.

    2. I'd take all the cats too Franco, and most of the dogs.
