Monday, October 7, 2019

Shall We Mourn the Molecular Clouds ?

No.  It's Nature for God's Sake !  Roll With It !

Click the pic and don't eat a baby today.

And if you're of a mind, enjoy some Satriani - Up in Flames


  1. Ugh, that thing in the heavens looks like an ugly burning caterpillar!! No love in HIS SPACE :-)
    That's a great tune, by the way!! You know i'm not THE biggest guitar person but this is AMAZING guitar here....WOWZIR!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. An ugly CATERPILLER! That's exactly what I thought too,Z. Nothing friendly o NASTY looking thing! Nothing the least bit attractive about it, is there? NASTY looking thing! UGH!

      Great minds . . .


    3. Z, Caterpiller is one of my favorite words. :) well, I thought is was an interesting image for the contrasts and the 3d-ish look of it, these odd things just floating through space looking for clinton's house.

      And what else could you name that tune beside Up in Flames ?

  2. Naw, I've sworn off eating babies.
    Except baby calamari.

    1. Yes sir, Ed. It's good idea to eat calimari when they're babies, because after they grow up, they're liable to eat YOU!


    2. Most Calimari is too rubbery for me. If it's cooked Really well though I like it.

  3. Can't say this one captures me! Anyway...I haven't been able to comment here but think this will go today. WP has been a bear.. fingers crossed as I try and let this sail... :)

  4. I totally agree with you, Kid, about letting Nature tke her curse.

    Everything is ALWAYS changing. That's the nature of Nature.

    What is it about US that makes us think that WEought to have the power to control Nature to suit our merely human needs and desires?

    It's always ben the LEFt that wants to play God, and look at all the grief THAT has caused.

    Some day it may be time for US to become extinct. So what? There's nothing we could do to prevent it from happening, if that's what God wants.

    I have a lifelong friend who became a loony leftist. [She moved to Massachusetts a hile back, and stayed there too long, I fear.] Anyway, she's lost a lot of sleep and turned herself into a nervous wreck because –– are you ready for this? –– she's terrified at the thought that "someday" an ASTEROID will come crashing into earth's atmosphere, and destroy life as we know it!

    WELL, I CAN'T SAY I'M MUCH IN FAVOR OF THAT, BUT I'LL BE DAMNED IF I'M GOING TO LET IT WORRY ME, and spoil whatever may be left of my earthly life.

    Leftist thinking really IS a form of insanity. No other word for it.

    1. Nothing worries me Franco. If I knew the meteor was coming tomorrow, I'd have some good wine and a setup on the front porch to watch.

      Yes, liberalism, let alone progressivism beyond a certain age in a Mental Disease.
