Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Three Words

It's All Bullshit.  (Maybe that's four)

If that is not enough to satisfy your craving for blog content, then here are 10 words.


  1. I just had a revelation. YOU have never been seen together at the same time with Joe Satriani. Very strange. Just like Andy Kaufman never appeared with Tony Clifton... Or Reba McEntire with Dana Carvey. So does Al wear a rubber bald wig over that full head of locks or does his alter ego Kid wear a well coiffed rug over a shiny bald dome?

    1. DaBlade, You Got Me ! Yes, I am Andy Kaufman.... You're probably curious so I'll tell you the rest. I currently live in Kazakhstan. I make my money wrestling beautiful but large Russian women who are doping and therefore have an advantage. I don't do Tony Clifton anymore. He went transgender one me and is working as Nancy Pelosi's beautician. I play the guitar in disguise in my spare time which is why I've only recorded 100 tunes in the last 40 years... I'm going to try to do more. Damn KGB outside, gotta go.

  2. !!! Thanks for the Friday funny!
