Thursday, March 8, 2018


With all the evil in the world (Not going to list it) are you telling me that a made up war between men and women is a real thing?  Seriously?


  1. "The Battle of the Sexes" is a term that has been in the vocablary ever since I can remember, Kid. It used to be said more as a joke than anything else, but after all there really is an underlyng tension between men and women, but isn't that what makes like exciting?

    Wikipedia wants us t believe the term re;ates to TENNIS matches between men and women that started with Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs, but I'm sure it was in use ING be fore that.

    Too bad the damned feminazis had to come along and try to spoil it all!

    Remember the days before Gloria Steinem
    When all you had do was wine 'em and dine 'em?

    1. FT, It is how it is. When you're on a date the woman doesn't feel the need to ask you to try to feel her breasts, she expects you to try and she will let you know if she doesn't want that. Today, they're talking about writing up terms and conditions prior to a date. :) I just don't think that is going to go over well.

      Nothing is all inclusive of course.

      Honestly, I believe the obama/democrat agenda was to divide the people in America by any and every way possible. Tell a group they're getting screwed long enough, they will believe you.

  2. The dance between men and women has been going on since humans have been on the planet. There is no need to militarize it.

    1. Cube, In addition to my reply to FT, I will say things were getting along just fine between men and women as long as (in this context) men respected the woman.

      There probably are some genuine issues like equal pay. I can't think of much more but then I'm a guy and my train of thought gets interrupted every 10 seconds. ... What was I saying again?

  3. I think on some level there is a war of sorts going on. Now how's that for a weasel sentence?

    On a one to one basis, I don't see any problems. It's when you take people - in this case mostly women, and cram them all together in a group, the problems begin. Mob mentality takes over and turns otherwise sensible people into automatons. Just take a good hard look at the pink pussy hat wearing harridans. For them it's definitely a war and they plan to win. What they plan on winning is beyond me, and I'm quite sure it's beyond them too.

    In the meantime, I'll continue to go about my life, flirting shamelessly with all the men I encounter, thereby insuring that we all have a lovely and fun day.

    1. Adrienne. Exactly. I get the women who can point to a specific man or men, and say he abused me. But I'm at a total loss on the rest of the stuff. Women's Rights. As you say, If I were to ask them what rights they feel they don't have, I just don't believe they could tell me. And that is damn sad. We have enough real problems that could be worked.

      I love to flirt, but I do it in a black ops kinda way now. I say things that are easily explained as harmless so it looks like they mistranslated if they get bent out of shape. I consider women I don't know as pretty dangerous, and isn't that sad.

      In the meantime, I pray to be harassed.

  4. I'm up for some serious harassment of unsuspecting men.

  5. People who say there is a war on women diminish the rather remarkable role that woman have had in human history since the beginning of humankind. I don't know about you Kid, but I can't remember ever winning an argument with one of those wily creatures. I may have thought that I won an argument, but in the long term ... no. Added to this, men do not have the same capacity to recall what was said (to win the argument) ten years earlier. If there is a war on women, they are winning it.
