Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Well Hell, Government Seems to Boil Down to a Raping and Thieving Feeding Frenzy

So instead, here is the Tarantula Nebula.

Click the pic of course for description and high resolution images.



  1. the colors are absolutely GORGEOUS! It looks like a weird skeleton face turned to our left, with a big flower on its forehead! SEE IT?!!!

    1. Yes, I do Ms Z. And much more too. I also like how if it was as close as the Orion Nebula (1500 light years) it would cover half our sky. That'd be something.

    2. Hey, Mr. DO see that face? THAT IS SO COOL that you do, too! Sometimes these things are hard for 2 people to see, right? Like clouds in the sky "Looks like a clown" "WHAT? I don't see a clown!" :-)
      And yes, imagine covering half our sky! I have to say the sunsets get pretty fabulous over the Pacific here in Santa Monica! But not THIS colorful!

    3. I do Z. Well, our brains naturally see faces when looking at abstract images. And familiar objects when looking at clouds. Dogs, frogs, manatee's.... I see a lot of women floating around up there actually.

  2. Does this mean there are spiders in space? Or just one really large spider? Not sure what to hope for. Reading the description, I've always had an affinity for the bubble-shaped clouds.

    1. Hi, Jerry! I can't BELIEVE you talked about shaped clouds here because I'd just commented to Kid without reading the other comments yet...SO COOL!!!

    2. DaBlade, there are trillions of spiders in space from the impossibly huge to the impossibly small. That's what Carl Sagan tells me anyway.

    3. Hi Z, Spiders, as in the Tarantula moniker. However, I would rather have spiders than clowns in space. and Mr. Kid, if is there is such a thing as a Snake Nebula, please refrain from posting as it scares the children (me). Then again, I've decided against leaving this planet, so...

    4. DaBlade, Noted - no snake nebulae

  3. I think I saw this image in a movie once, just before the evil beings invaded through it in a Raping and Thieving Feeding Frenzy.

  4. I see a large, violet-colored FISH swimming right towartds me with his MOUTH wide open.

    Only his beautiful flowing fins save the scene from appearing nightmarish.

    1. FT, I see three fish, a monkey and a Salvador Dali inspired lesbian orgy near the center. You need the big version for that though.
