Here is the Green Party Link
I know you folks have probably focused on Trump and the Hilrod beast and may not have bothered to look at Jill Stein's Unicorn and Warm Fluff Kitty Cat plan for America and the world, so I thought I'd post it and add some thoughts in bold italic below each point..
Key points of the Power to the People Plan:
A Green New Deal:
Create millions of jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy by 2030, and investing in public transit, sustainable agriculture, and conservation.
I wouldn't mind getting rid of coal pollution either but - How long does it take to take to build a nuke plant? Maybe 2 or 3 could be built by 2030 if they start today. We need Hundreds of them. Thorium/Molten Salt also which are 100% safe from meltdown and they eat the waste from traditional nuke plants, so hey, great idea, but to think that's going to happen by 2030 requires the mind of Alice in Wonderland combined with the mind of the 3 year old down the street. Maybe the 2 year old.
Maybe she's thinking wind and solar. Well Wind and Solar Farms are already killing large numbers of birds. With the volume of wind and solar Jill envisions, we may be able to kill every friggin bird on the planet ! Yippee! Then nutbags can get off their Cats are killing all the birds rants.
And what about all the non-renewable energy being used to heat people's homes like natural gas and propane ? Is the government going to buy everyone electric furnaces ?
Oh, and how about cars? Is the government going to replace everyone's fuel burning car and diesel semi-tractor truck with some electric vehicle? I could go on, but it's clear Jill has no idea how things work in government and with people's homes and lives.
Jobs as a Right:
Create living-wage jobs for every American who needs work, replacing unemployment offices with employment offices. Advance workers rights to form unions, achieve workplace democracy, and keep a fair share of the wealth they create.
Wow. Jobs doing what exactly? Automation (And China) is putting everyone out of a job already. Large companies don't increase their staff, they get more efficient so they can reduce staff that, because of government regulations cost them arms and legs to keep on the payroll. Do you even read newspapers Jill?
What about all the people who never got an education because they live in democrat breeder zones Like Baltimore? What would They do exactly? And what if they don't want to work? You're going to make them work? You Slave Owner You !
End Poverty:
Guarantee economic human rights, including access to food, water, housing, and utilities, with effective anti-poverty programs to ensure every American a life of dignity.
I can't even speculate what this amounts to in physical or even abstract terms. You got this from your 2 year old niece right?
Health Care as a Right:
Establish an improved “Medicare For All” single-payer public health insurance program to provide everyone with quality health care, at huge savings.
Because we all know that when the government runs things those things are always a lot cheaper, more efficient and just chock full of customer satisfaction and quality than when private competitive businesses do. Wild Maniacal Laughter Ensues.
Education as a Right:
Abolish student debt to free a generation of Americans from debt servitude. Guarantee tuition-free, world-class public education from pre-school through university. End high stakes testing and public school privatization.
Because we all see that public education run by the feds and unionized teachers who can't be fired for any reason other than maybe killing a union boss provide the very best in education at the most economical costs.....Wild Maniacal Laughter !
A Just Economy:
Set a $15/hour federal minimum wage. Break up “too-big-to-fail” banks and democratize the Federal Reserve. Reject gentrification as a model of economic development. Support development of worker and community cooperatives and small businesses. Make Wall Street, big corporations, and the rich pay their fair share of taxes. Create democratically run public banks and utilities. Replace corporate trade agreements with fair trade agreements.
You might want to lookup Inflation Spiral deary. And corporations don't pay taxes, they pass them on to the people who buy their products and services. And taxing rich people like France tried, you'll find that many of the rich people moved out.
Protect Mother Earth:
Lead on a global treaty to halt climate change. End destructive energy extraction: fracking, tar sands, offshore drilling, oil trains, mountaintop removal, and uranium mines. Protect our public lands, water supplies, biological diversity, parks, and pollinators. Label GMOs, and put a moratorium on GMOs and pesticides until they are proven safe. Protect the rights of future generations.
Wild Maniacal Laughter !
Racial Justice Now:
End police brutality and mass incarceration. Create a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to understand and eliminate the legacy of slavery that lives on as pervasive racism in the economy, education, housing and health. Ensure that communities control their police rather than police controlling our communities, by establishing police review boards and full time investigators to look in to all cases of death in police custody. Demilitarize the police.
Wild Maniacal Laughter !
Freedom and Equality:
Expand women’s rights, protect LGBTQIA+ people from discrimination, defend indigenous rights and lands, and create a welcoming path to citizenship for immigrants. Protect the free Internet, legalize marijuana/hemp, and treat substance abuse as a public health problem, not a criminal problem.
Hey, I'm For this one (with the obvious tweaks regards "immigrants") !
Justice for All:
Restore our Constitutional rights, terminate unconstitutional surveillance and unwarranted spying, end persecution of government and media whistleblowers, close Guantanamo, abolish secret kill lists, and repeal indefinite detention without charge or trial.
Yes, Restore our Constitutional Rights by getting liberal hacks off of the Supreme Court. As for the rest, we will simply assume that a kinder gentler government will result in all of us having that warm and fuzzy all day long and that the government will be supplying us with loving warm and purring kittehs when ever needed.
Jill - PS - Some people need Killin don't ya know. Email me and I'll fill you in.
Peace and Human Rights:
Establish a foreign policy based on diplomacy, international law, and human rights. End the wars and drone attacks, cut military spending by at least 50% and close the 700+ foreign military bases that are turning our republic into a bankrupt empire. Stop U.S. support and arms sales to human rights abusers, and lead on global nuclear disarmament.
HAHAHAHAhahhaa HAHAHAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Empower the People:
Abolish corporate personhood. Protect voters’ rights by establishing a constitutional right to vote. Enact electoral reforms that break the big money stranglehold and create truly representative democracy: public campaign financing, ranked-choice voting, proportional representation, and open debates.
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In Summary, I find the complete and total lack of understanding about what goes on here on planet Earth by someone who is running for the top job to be breathlessly stunning. Also, I want to see how Jill is polling ! Lol.
Folks, if you don't want to vote for Trump or the satan butthole, may I suggest voting for Jill. She won't get anything done, but she will make sure we are safe, happy, warm, and blissfully satisfied with our outside world.
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In Summary, I find the complete and total lack of understanding about what goes on here on planet Earth by someone who is running for the top job to be breathlessly stunning. Also, I want to see how Jill is polling ! Lol.
Folks, if you don't want to vote for Trump or the satan butthole, may I suggest voting for Jill. She won't get anything done, but she will make sure we are safe, happy, warm, and blissfully satisfied with our outside world.