The image below is from the page as of today. Yesterday the PBS story was some other claptrap bullshit about 'Watergate'.
I imaged it because I don't want the actual link stinking up my blog.
My point is that these same assholes (Libtards) who tell us Benghazi is "Old News" - Fast and Furious is "Old News" when we don't even Have the news about Benghazi (There is much to learn and obama and clinton and others are dirty as hell) have the guts to blabber about fucking Watergate 40 years after the fact ! Unreal !
Watergate wasn't even a pajama party compared to what obama and crew have been up to almost daily for the last 5 Years !
If you don't find this almost daily Propaganda Whore activity insulting to the maximum, you may want to see a doctor.
Lets see how long these assholes play the "keep Watergate in the news" game.
Fuck PBS, Fuck libtards, Fuck democrats, Fuck communists.
We need to be pushing the Fair Tax NOW!
ReplyDeleteIf we can stop just 1 targeted UnFair Audit- unfair review of the right of the people peacefully to assemble, and to petition the Gov for a redress of grievances. This is the time to Pass the Fair Tax! NOW!
No Excuses Congress!
They Say, Fair tax, flat tax, federal sales tax, whatever you want to call it, everyone needs to have skin in the game, else it is just a game of the losers piling on the productive class, which they have done in a major way since the asshole got into the WH, and they ARE now winning.
DeleteRemember, you keep up with this stupidity and the normals aren't going to go near the Rethug Party for a generation.
ReplyDeleteYou're obsolete, bubba. This stuff won't play outside of crazy land.
Meanwhile Hispaics are turning Texas blue. You are so screwed.
Duck, only an idiot would think the bubblekins could do anything good for this country at this point.
DeleteDon't put in the class with the morons who listen to hannity and chant 'stop obama express' as they go to sleep. K? You still don't know what label to slap on me, and I don't think you ever will. I'm out of your league duck. Not an insult or even a putdown just an observation.
And it's not so much the hispanics as the california libtards who after destroying california are moving on like a plague of locusts to the feed off the last of the productive class where they perceive it to be. Texas is or was the top O that list.
Texas was blue for over a hundred years. Debt and deficits that required Gov bailouts for years, in the 1980's (from Carters gas scandal of only buying gas odd and even days by license plates numbers)unemployment numbers were way above normal.
DeleteThen the Republicans were sent to Austin (by Mostly Hispanics) to clean up that mess.
And now look at the employment numbers, and Texas is running a tight Budget, and seeing a TRUE Surplus - Not A Clinton (Bubba) Projected Surplus, from "numbers he just pulled out of the sky".
IF we were living under a Dictator, then that commenter would be right about he and his ill mob being the "normal". But as long as THIS IS A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, Of The People For The People By The People, then the Conservatives are the "Normal".
And I might add, No income Tax. We Have A Sales Tax and Property Tax. That works just fine,
Deleteif we can keep out the retarded DemocRats who want to spend everything in the Treasury!
TSWS, Truer words.... We don't even have educated people anymore. Constitution Bad, government Good.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteShaw - thanks for deleting your comment whatever it was, as no doubt it was bat shit libtard crazy.
ReplyDeleteMy point is that these same assholes (Libtards) who tell us Benghazi is "Old News" - Fast and Furious is "Old News" when we don't even Have the news about Benghazi (There is much to learn and obama and clinton and others are dirty as hell) have the guts to blabber about fucking Watergate 40 years after the fact ! Unreal !
I gave up long ago on expecting logic from the Left. The Left cannot recognize their own inconsistency and their own hypocrisy.
Right now, the mainstream media are outraged by a couple of the scandals breaking over the heads of the Obama administration. Will the outrage last very long? I have my doubts. We shall see.
AOW, let me tweak your thought direction a little. Rather than inconsistency or hypocrisy of which they are maximum guilty, stuff like this is simple All Out War on their part.
DeleteThey tell incredible lies, photoshop images, modify video and audio. Something like benghazi comes up, I'm willing to bet a bunch of assholes get together map out a strategy for all of their forces, including talking points, and they get it out to all their talking heads, and most significantly, the media, of which PBS is of course 100% libtard/communist.
I'll bet a 1000 bucks, the "Order was Given To All Hands" to play the shit out of watergate, like it was the Real Scandal, Worse than Anything. while all this is going on.
I'll bet you couldn't find anyone under 40 who even knows what it was about.
DeleteI'm sure that your correct about the order given to all hands. I do wonder if such an order was given to the inner circle in the private WH press conference on May 10.
Personal story...
About 7 years ago, I wrote a letter to the editor to the Washington Post, and the lower level editors wanted to publish the letter in a Saturday edition as an opinion piece as opposed to merely a letter to the editor. I had occasion to speak with the first low-level editor, who knew as much about the topic of Islam as I did at that time. But the editor with the final say nixed the publication of my letter. Yes, indeed, my letter was politically incorrect, but I had proven my assertions with quotations from the Quran.
The low-level editor, no doubt a young idealist, was horrified and disgusted when he phoned me for the last time. But I'm willing to be that he "learned the ropes" -- if he kept his job, that is.
It was my last letter to the WaPo, of course.
AOW, The Washpo is pretty rabid imo, but another good point made that I've wanted to verbalize. I do believe many in the media have good intentions, the young ones, but are edited and directed by the senior people who of course answer to the machine. the DNC/communist machine. If they keep their jobs, they're either brainwashed or profited to the point of joining the dark side.
DeleteWe used to have an occasional dinner with the libtard fiends. They meant well, volunteer are animal shelters and all that kind of stuff, but hook line and sinker believe the libtard way. 100%. Stunningly stupid.
I guess I was an aggravation for them, we haven't met up for 5-6 years now.
DeleteI, too, know some "nice" liberals. But when we start discussing politics, I find these "nice" people impossible to reason with.
Good intentions do not necessarily yield good outcomes: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
ReplyDeleteFYI: the ritualistic invocation of Watergate just makes these scandals appear smaller than they are.
AOW, yes, it certainly does for many who have narrow sources of information or insight.
DeleteSure Kid, I'll read it, I need the aggravation right now. NOT!
ReplyDeleteEnough of these idiots intruding their crazed thought processes into the body politic. If it would get rid of these fools I'd go back to wax tablets.
Sig, I wouldn't suggest reading it. I don't watch the news, or read much of the news, but somehow all the stuff filters through. And it's still too much. I cna't watch those vampire bastards, my blood pressure would go off the scale. Stress is the Numba One killer ya know. Plus if you let them get to ya, then they they've Gotten You Twice. That ain't gonna happen here.
DeleteAll Watergate really boiled down to was Richard Nixon sticking up for his guys, who strayed off the reservation. Nixon didn't really do anything illegal, but was hung out to dry for the misdeeds of others.
ReplyDeleteAll of Obama's scandals are way more serious, with skullduggery and malfeasance on his part that are all serious crimes and misdemeanors worthy of impeachment. Obama makes Richard Nixon look like a saint.
Fredd, watergate was some nixon guys spying on the democrat Election Strategy. The biggest crime there was the stupidity of being involved in something so lame.
DeleteA panty raid was twice as serious. At least an actual sex crime would have been committed.
Yea, it was a Madam and a whole bunch of Whores bundling Money for the DemocRats.
DeleteThe break in was to get at those Records.
TSWS, I hadn't heard that version. Not to say it wasn't the real deal. I wasn't paying THAT much attention in those days.
I thought that Nixon was forced out because (1) his counsel lied to Congress and (2) there was destruction of evidence that had been subpoenaed (the erased portion of a recording tape).
The break in was nothing, IMO -- as Kid stated above.
AOW, Yes, you're right when it came down to the consequences. A secretary who didn't realize she held the erase pedal down for 18 minutes, and of course the underlings trying to protect the man.
DeleteIn the end, it wasn't far from the scooter libby deal, where the goons got Libby to lie to protect the VP, before all parties knew that it was dick armitrage who "outed" valerie plame, who of course had already outed herself.
VERY lame. Nobody dead, Assault weapons not put in the hands of mex drug cartels to kill Americans with, no half BILLION dollar giveaway to the unions via solendra, and how many Thousands of others. You know If I'd have given the piece of shit obama enough free rent space in my brains I could have recorded an event more serious that watergate at least 5 times a week for the last 5 years.
So, anyone can image what I think about these media blowjobs harping on watergate 40 years later :-)