Friday, October 15, 2010

The View, OReilly, Joy and Whoopi

.I just gotta say a couple things.
  • Joy and Whoopi walked off their Own show.  Can you imagine a conservative or even an intelligent person walking off their own show for any reason ?
  • They walked off becuase the audience cheered when OReilly reminded them that 70% of Americans are against the mosque becuase it was Muslims that murdered 3000 people on 9-11.
  • Joy and Whoopi are on a show targeted at talking to Women.  One would assume they are extremely serious about Women's Rights.  I'm quite sure they are.
  • Their actions strongly suggest that they want to give the Muslims preferential treatment over Americans who are still in pain over 9-11-2001 and many of them who lost loved ones on that day.
  • Muslims treat women like dogs in the ME.  It is well known that women in Islam are 2nd class citizens actually below dogs.  10's of thousands of clitorectomies are performed in the Middle East every year on young Muslim girls.
It is quite clear that Joy and Whoopi acted like 3 year old spoiled brats, not even intelligent enough to counter Bill OReilly, and in a fit of incapacity to do anything else, they ran away.

They are for women's rights, yet they defer power to the very people who treat women with the least amount of respect anywhere on the planet.  It is clear that liberals do not have the capacity to connect two thoughts together in order to come to a rational conclusion about any freaking thing at all.

It is quite clear that their lives are simply a series of 'moments', where they decide on the spot, using only emotion, how they feel about any given subject and this is the method for which they come to 'conclusions'.  Never mind the 'conclusion' could be diametrically opposed to any other thought they have rolling around in their head or any conclusion they come to 15 seconds later. 

Finally, the more stupid they are, the more convinced they are geniuses, above the rest of us and perfect choices to rule over us.  These are the people ruling over us right now.


    1. The enemy (Islam) of their enemy (conservative Americans) is their friend.

      Low people with no moral values operate that way.

    2. It was pretty amazing but not surprising activity from Hollywood - It was amazing - Muslim's brutalizing women all over the world and yet it's who our Hollywood "elitists" choose to champion! I just don't get it kid! Great write -

    3. OPus, great point. Yes, I do believe they do hate us that much. Love is blind? Hate is most certainly blind.

    4. DeanO, Thank you. Honestly, the never ending series of paradoxes and hypocrisy are quite the phenomenon.

      Wildest thing I've ever seen.

    5. I agree Kid.

      The Western Hero made a great observation about the view here:

      It is a terrible fact that the view is so popular.

    6. Admiral, many times people do need to stick their hands in the fire in order to learn something.

      The biggest problem we got now, is that the liberals in power choose to insulate the stupid from the learning process.

    7. Admiral, just went over to Western Hero. Beautiful analysis. Bookmarked that site. Thanks.

    8. You make an excellent point, one to which I can personally speak.

      As you know, I am a self-declared "used to be liberal" who gained through time and experience, amongst other things, common sense.

      When one lives in the moment, and bases his decisions or life perceptions on emotion rather than common sense and real world experience, he can not help but come to conclusions that do not sync with the rest of his world view, because his world view is ever-changing and not based in fact and logic.

      This is why liberals are so often guilty of circular reasoning and other extremely irrational thought processes.

      As an example - we have laws in which it is against the law to break an eagle's egg, yet abortion is viewed by the left as a necessarily legal situation.

      Additionally, the left despises the concept of corporal punishment but again, they have no issue with killing an innocent unborn.

      Both of these, in my opinion, are thought processes based upon emotion. To kill a guilty murderer is very emotional, because there is a visible person in the equation. Same goes for the eagle's egg.

      A fetus, however, is unseen and therefore involves less, or little to no emotion in the perception of a liberal.

      It is easier for Behar and Goldberg to not blame Muslims, because they might have to see a Muslim. For Goldberg specifically, being the truther she is, blaming Bush is easy though, because he's the target of much of her ire.

      And Behar? Well, she's just mean, bitter, and angry. Most inappropriately named person ever, Joy.

      Excellent, thought provoking piece, Kid.

    9. Man, I've been saying this for years! I mean the whole part about them supposedly supporting women's rights, yet keeping very quiet about how Muslims treat their women in each of their cultures. Even coming to America hasn't helped changed their opinions for some, they still degrade them and kill them simply because they want to leave Islam or be with a man their parents won't approve of. I am so amazed that these people continue to keep the jobs they have where they supposedly protect women's rights, yet at the same time, keep very quiet about what actually goes on in these Muslim houses. Great article once again. And the points were excellent too. They were simply afraid and couldn't keep a mature argument going. I don't even like O'Reilly that much, but what he said was truth.

    10. Well said. They are driven by emotion. I'd love to see them do the show live from Saudi Arabia.

    11. Their lives are a "series of moments".


    12. That show is inane. Why anoyone watches it is beyond me. That anyone watches it explains why Barack Obama is our president.

    13. Soloman, Thank you, I appreciate your thoughts and comment.

      Yes there are a million examples. In the abortion case, you're right, but I would add that the abortion is something they 'want to do'. Whereas they don't really care about the victim(s) of the murderer and so don't really care one way or the other, but choose to let them live because it makes them appear 'caring'.
      A liberal would object to killing a tree for God's sake but not a baby. They do it all the time.

      Might explain their actions on all the things that are related to 9-11 and the Muslims. They don't care about the victims. As you point out the victims are no longer visible. Imagine if they were! What a conundrum for the Libs ! How could they pretend to please the victim and the Muslim at the same time. Does not compute.. Booiing!

      The older ones are also sociopaths I'm sure. Most definitely people like H Clinton.
      Sociopaths don't understand emotions like compassion, therefore they have to try to guess how to act in various situations and after a while they begin to look normal as they practice it, but their actions, or lack or speak for them every time.

      Just to throw a couple more for fun.
      Meg Whitman. They must Hate her because she employed an illegal immigrant! But wait, don't they believe illegal immigrants should live here as they wish and be employed and have all the same rights and priviliges as citizens? No, wait, we must Hate Meg Whitman !
      Does not compute! Invalid Checksumm ! Logic Core Invalid. Abort Logic. Hate Meg ! There, that's better.

      Sarah Palin. Need I say more.

    14. ndh777. Thank You. Agree 100% with your comments. Yes, I don't have anything against OReilly, but I could debate him anytime on any subject, totally unprepared if I happened to disagree with his point.
      And it's not My Show, or My Job that I'm no doubt making an obscene amount of money to try to do.

      In the case of the Mulsims, I'd say there are a couple main themes. 1) They don't care about the victims or the women. 2) They haven't the slightest idea how to deal with the situation, therefore they simply accept it. Of course, accepting is a lot easier for them because of number 1.

    15. Arby, I couldn't agree more. Imagine when Rosie was on there..

      Couple things come to mind. I heard WWE is the most popular show on TV, and I don't watch Oprah so maybe I'm not correct, but Oprah simply talks about normal everyday things and they think she's a genius. Last show I caught a bit of she was talking with some doctor about 'what your poop should look like'. No doubt she has homosexuals on there talking about stuff and other fringe people, and her audience just thinks she is the bomb. I have nothing against her, figure she's a basically good person, but it speaks to the audience.

      I can see a whole bunch of women just being enthralled by The View.
      I always get to lunch early, 11:00 am, and when I get there if there are TV's in the place and women servers, the TV's are usually switched on to The View. Until people start showing up and asking for CNBC or sports.

    16. Kid - going back as far as Rome, the lowest common denominator seems to always win. Reason takes effort and the application of logic; that is not one of the libtards' strong suits.

    17. Sig, when it comes to shaping society, I certainly agree. As individuals we can live outside the pop culture, but damn, imagine what could be accomplished otherwise.
