Saturday, June 5, 2021

15 Interesting Places

I'm sure there are ton's more.  I can think of a few even here in the good old US of A.  I remember that one girl when I was 15..


  1. I hAve to admit I clicked through the video but I sure got an eyeful...absolutely fascinating, and it DID cauSE me to backtrack on some of them "What is THAT again? HOW?" THanks, Kid, what amazing things!

  2. Clicking through is legal in Ohio, S Dakota and California Z. No worries.

    Again, thi is just a tiny sampling of what's out there.

    1. amazing to consider there could be even more amazing places, isn't it!??

    2. There definitely are Z. I'll have to look around and see if I can find some more.

  3. Wow. I tried watching without audio.
    Had to start over WITH audio.

  4. There's so many weird and wonderful places in this world. Great video. I wish he had put the names on the screen at the beginning of each segment since some of them were foreign and I'm horrible with "hearing" most other languages.

    1. Adrienne. Huh? The narration I hear is all in English and the guy sounds a little like Casey Casum. But yes, it would be better with subtitles for the names. These places were pretty much all new to me. I did remember the odd shaped trees. So much beauty especially the more you zoom in on nature.

    2. No - the narration is in English, but the names of some of the places were sort of foreign sounding and I couldn't exactly understand them. I'm dumb like that. Of course, I got the simple ones (being a simple person - ha!)

    3. Ah, now I understand. :)

  5. Replies
    1. Your beautiful comment has posted Adrienne. I've been doing moderation because of the mentally deranged.

  6. I loved that, and I've always wanted to go to Mauritius. They've always struck me as gentle people, at least the ones I've met.

  7. Great post... my kind of post.. I enjoy looking at the wonderful surprises Mother Earth has for us.
