Sunday, November 8, 2020




  1. Replies
    1. Heck of a player LSP. His hero is Tommy Emmanuel. Good one to have.

  2. Kid.... I need some stars... badly,... :) Great music though....

  3. So they want us to believe that the massive Trump rallies and the overwhelming switching from blue to red, that Americans voted to have a man that does not know where he is or even what year it is and a woman that got where she is on her back (or knees) to run this country.

    1. Or how about a guy who few know much about in 2016 gets 306 electoral votes against the MSM favorite clinton beast, but can't get over 270 against a guy with dememntia and 'some woman from California' After he makes good on his campaign promises and nothing but obstruction from the other side ?? First time ever for a president that I know of.

      There is a serious problem with the votes.

    2. Plus Joe and the Ho didn't campaign because they knew the fix was in.
