Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Just In Case I Don't Get The Chance

 to post this sometime in December or early January, I'm doing it early.

Now just imagine Donald Trump as the Hulk and everyone on the left as Loki.


  1. Perfect.... I may have to borrow it..... :). If Trump pulls this off I will be a believer in the impossible. If not he is merely mortal.

    1. Agree Bunk. The best scenario for a win I've heard if the courts don't turn it is that the SC declares the vote invalid and we vote again. Hmmmm.

  2. I don't know a HULK from a LOKI but if that big monster is DJT, I'm FOR IT!!

    1. Z, Yep, the big green guy is The Incredible Hulk from Marvel comics. Loki is every leftie that walks the Earth.

  3. You've got an army. We've got a Hulk.

  4. I am happy to be your friend, or anyone else's, . But I will not be disrespected or maligned. My ideas and opinions are my own. I have a right to believe what I believe. But know this: my friendship for anyone will stop the moment you attempt to deprive me of MY RIGHTS, or if you try to dehumanize me for having them. My faith in humanity at this point is gone. Gone. I have had enough, I don’t need another reason to justify my feelings..

    My perception has changed. I will not acknowledge Joe Biden as our president, nore will I accept the rest of the filthy democrat scum doing those disgusting things to MY President that they have been getting away with for the past 4 years. Not only because I think that Biden stole the election, but because he will be allowing the same violent behavior we saw the other night in Washington DC to spread throughout this country, while he calls for “UNITY” and “HEALING.” His condemnations of the violence will ultimately be heard by empty ears!.
    I will not fooled. I will defy this fraud. I will stand up for what I believe in. And I DO NOT Believe that Joe Biden WON this Election Fairly

  5. Like Bunk said, "Perfect."

    Took me awhile to get here. But - not to worry. You were tucked up in a double tab for your comfort and I gave you a itty kitten to keep you company.

    I read until after 1am last night and then got up at 6 or so. These 5 hour nights are killing me. Haven't done one thing of substance today except for watching the zoom meeting wherein the pontificating goofs at Panhandle Health instituted another mask mandate for 90 days for all 5 northern Idaho counties which, just like last time, I'll completely ignore.

    However, I am going out to the kitchen and de-clutter a little section of the counter which is a magnet for piles of crap.

    Oh - and I watched my local friend's video where he went through the complaints to the police department about mask infractions which he got through FOIA. The leftist "Karen goons" are calling the police (sometimes via 911) to report businesses they think are in non-compliance with the mask mandate or to report customers not wearing a mask (proud to be guilty.) These people are despicable!

    1. So thoughtful of you Adrienne, and thank you also. Purr Purr.

      We sure know about those crap magnets here.

      Yea, the left really are communist assholes. Maybe they'll like the place they're creating.

      I hope everyone has huge Thanksgiving and Christmas parties. Arrest thousands of us ! Maybe they'll have to put us up in 5 star hotels with the jails full.

  6. Well that was awesome. Nice one.

    1. Thanks LSP. Favorite way to think of the left if and when they get stymied.

  7. Just think what that green monster could do to those weenie basement dwelling scrawney antifa... new black top to fill the potholes... I'd even take a 69-yr-old Lou Ferrigno against their best dozen.
    (where ya going in December or early January? I've been in hiding.)

    1. Well, Mr Blade, The "in case" was in reference to the election not being righted and we take that last final dive into communist implementation cheered on by 40% or so of the population.

      I will say I'm getting real tired of the lip service, so I'm also in hiding so to speak.
