Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Someone Needs to Tell AOC !

Not only are they not re-using the recyclables, they are incinerating them tossing toxic fumes and Gasp !  CO2 into our atmosphere !

Read All Abouddit !

Aluminum cans excepted.  Bums are actually paid to turn those in. (Your litmus test for what recyclables have any value)

Also Penn and Teller have a youtube out there from their Bullshit Show about how Recycling is a handjob at best.


  1. "If only AOC knew!".
    Has a familiar ring to it.

  2. Germans were among the first to do all this recycling....brown, green, blue bins at the end of every street.. hasn't worked. I do, however, believe we should stop the plastic soap bottles and go back to bars of soap with biodegradable paper wrapped around them. Why not, right?

    1. There are many who look at recycling as virtue signalling and make-work programs.
      As for soap bottles vs bars, I agree, and act accordingly, but until we tax the bottles or mandate their disappearance like some have done with plastic straws and soda pop, we will be stuck with them.
      I rather prefer having a choice.

    2. Z, Bars of soap right. In all shapes and sizes too, like mammary glands for example !

    3. Ed, I personally think the vast majority of the trash in the ocean comes from other countries, Africa (the continent), India, etc. I think the Chinese and Japanese are a fairly clean people regards littering, but well, I don't think it's us doing it. Mississippi maybe.

    4. Ed, PS - recycling was invented by dems to 1) make people feel guilty since guilty feeling people will give you their money more easily(see how that works for the blacks) and 2) setup a money laundering system for themselves.

  3. Why plastic in the first place? They are cheaper than making glass bottles. Why plastic grocery bags instead of paper? Because the left wanted us to save the forests. Seems not to be working all that well. There are some cities that have banned the use of plastic bags, so when you go shopping, you have to take your own bags. What are these bags made from? Petroleum products, of course.

    At least trees are a renewable resource ... but then I suppose plastic is, as well. The entire wind-turbine deal was a complete scam, responsible for killing millions of birds, but then I’m not complaining about less bird-doo on my car, either. Personally, I like Kid’s energy plan, but no one seems much interested in clean energy. If there were, then we’d have clean energy. Kid’s plan deserves a Nobel prize in something.

    I’m guessing that you could place everything AO-C knows about energy in a thimble, but hey ... the talking points sound good and it doesn’t require any homework. But even if there was homework, which of the agenda-driven scientists can you trust to provide real scientific solutions that do not, in and of themselves, kill us? There were some of these who championed nuclear energy without once thinking about the spent fuel rods. And then you have dozens (maybe even thousands) of scientists who trade their integrity for federal funding and they’re the ones who keep signing on to the climate change bull-doo.

    1. Mustang, this is one crazy mixed up topsey turvey greed driven world ain't it? Greed and Fear, Supply and Demand is about all ya gotta know. Plus how to make women happy of course. I trust you have that one aced.
      And hey, now they're making paper based straws which will bring out the tree huggers again!
      Guess what I read today - Pelosi said they're not going to vote on AOC's Green New Deal because they aren't going to deal with an issue that isn't based on evidence ! hahhaa. Pelosi admits global warming is a Scam. What a hoot. Keep tossin em back Nana !

      The cycle of life. Isn't it beautiful?

  4. In my former life I was lucky enough to work in Chester.. I can attest to the facts presented. Chester city has the highest kidney disease rate per capita in the Nation.

    1. Bunk, I literally still marvel at the number of people running around that think Anyone, let alone politicians give a shit about them.

  5. I worked in two recycling paper mills in Southern California and can attest to the
    fact that it costs more to recycle paper, plastics, and glass than to produce from
    raw materials. The only exception is aluminum because the production process is
    a monsterous energy suck. In the beginning, aluminum was a strategic material
    so the government subsidized its production.

    1. Welcome Mr Jones. That in a nutshell is what Penn and Teller present in their "Recycling is bullshit" video.

  6. TW) THINGS:

    1. I loved it when my Dad and Iused to collect GLASS soda bottles, then have the fun of bringing them back to the store to collect a few cents for each bottle brought back to be reused. THAT was the kind of recycling tht made NSE.

    2. In Britain and France they use bags made of sturdy, expandable NETTING for grocery shopping. You gather your groceries in a cart, but put them in one or two of these NET BAGS you bring with you to the store when you check out. Works great, and leaves no mess to dispose of,
