Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Chain Migration - ExoPlanets - Sanctuary Cities - California

I read today that 8 Million will enter the USA via Chain Migration.  This year.

Eight Million.  That is 2.4 % of the population of the USA.  That is from 3 to 4 times the number of people in active military service.  That's insane !

These are people who just happen to be related to people who's name got picked out of a hat to come to America to live off of Welfare, Social Security and Medicare while planning terrorist mass murder attacks.

This is Nucking Futs.  That is just this year.  Imagine how many have already arrived here since Tricky Dicky Durbin invented the term Chain Migration, when he said he couldn't wait to import massive numbers of democrat voters from shithole countries.  Dicky Durbin is a racist against Americans.  Dicky was found crying his eyes out sobbing for no particular reason today on the steps of the Capitol building.

Exoplanets.  Forget about the friggin Exoplanets.  They are Trillions of miles away and we won't land on one for thousands of years. If Ever.  And if we do, it will contain viruses and other bacteriological threats to our systems that will kill any human that goes there in the first 2 or 3 seconds upon landing.  Forget this Crap !

Sanctuaries.  DHS Chief Kirstjen Nielsen is seeking to Charge Leaders of Sanctuary Cities.  Be Still My Heart !  Go Kirstjen !!!!  Made my Month to read this.

The Red Portion of California wants to secede from California and become New California - with its own government, economy, and everything else supportive of an individual state.  Then they want to break out the popcorn and wine, sit on the front porch and laugh at the blue portion of California that will quickly become 187 trillion in debt because they don't have any taxpayers left, just welfare queen illegal aliens.

Tape at 11.


  1. http://www.gocomics.com/brewsterrockit/2018/01/16

    1. Bravo Zulu...well done. I've been waiting for what seems like forever for you to come up with another winner Kid...I'll not say much more than that even though I know you're against censorship. But I cannot think of one kind word, one decent thought about the 49 rat bastard sewer rats demshits who gave the country, our country the middle finger. I despise and revile them all...no exceptions when you see 49 fascists vote against Tax cuts for everyone....and against those bonuses and companies that came back to the country full force...or Apple that's repatraiting 300 billion bucks back into this economy, hiring 20,000 more workers. That these rats would deny even their people a boost in wages, less taxes and more money in the pockets of all hourly workers. THIS ALONE SHOULD BE WHAT DESTROYS THEN COME 2018. How could anyone vote against their interests? I mean this is the bread and butter of demrats, right? Keep giving them shitty crumbs and you have them in your posket. But giving them huge bonuses is "counter productive"? Then wanting to shut down this government and make ASSHAT ILLEGALS A PROIRITY OVER it's own citizens?

    2. IMP, Thanks much. It seems so simple doesn't it? 2018 will tell us much. I hope Ryan is replaced with a conservative and then in 2020, McChuckles gets his retirement papers.

      I hate the democrats. They are anti-America and anti-Americans and their schtick is pathetic. I would ship them all off to another planet with the moslems if I could.

      I sure hope something comes out of this Fusion FISA memo. They're (GOP congress critters) saying that there coulda/shoulda/will be criminal charges against significant people. This is why they're fighting so hard.

    3. It's a powerful force having the MSM on your side. They can make up = down and in = out. We've got a hard fight ahead to stop this.

  2. Ever since Jacob tricked Esau out of his birthright, the whole world has been trying to get back at the white people. Yes the Jews are white people also--King David had red hair and freckles.
    The original Covenant/new covenant is at the root of all this disruption in human affairs.

    1. TS/WS, people are definitely geeked up about a wide variety of things....

  3. The original Covenant/new covenant is for everyone not just for white people. That being said everyone will be the target of population reduction.
    The top tier of the good ole boys clubs some are white also; isn't it ironic?
    The only thing Communism/socializm/progressivizm produces is/are FAT CATS!
    That being said, they have an agenda to change everyone's DNA. Slow but moving right along. The technology that is used with the next generation 5G along with the sound frequencies using 440hz, and retina eye recognition for The beast ID---maybe a implant.

    1. Sounds reasonable TS/WS, and fits the pop culture profile. Get the kids to buy listening deices for their homes, etc etc etc.

  4. These are people who just happen to be related to people who's name got picked out of a hat to come to America

    According to a friend of mine who works DHS immigration, DNA testing should be used. Many of the kin relationships are invented.

    1. AOW, That hadn't occurred to me when I wrote this but have No Doubt that this is true.

  5. I'm seeing more and more undesirables in our beautiful North Idaho. We're fighting tooth and nail to stop this, but I'm pretty dang sure it will continue apace. The libtards destroy everything they touch!

    1. Adrienne, Well I hope they are the kind who can be deported then.

    2. As I recall reading, Idaho is one of the "chosen" dumping spots by the re-location groups.

  6. Can we start a GoFundMe to generate funds to send Little Dicky to an exoplanet?

    as for the Red Portion of California, someone said they would need a very huge wall.

    1. DaBlade, yes we can. Also there is a simple solution for the New California potential migrant problem. No Free Money for able-bodied people.
