Seriously, who would go to a post election rally ?
Honestly, how does this happen?
America is saying FU to PC, celebrities, illegals, moslem mutts, media and every other entity that tried to tell US there was something wrong with US being the reason the country was being flushed down the toilet. No libtards, there is something wrong with You and the majority has finally identified it and taken action against it. You think this phenomenon is going away in 4 or 8 years? Think again.
Well, clinton could barely
get people to show up at her pre-election rallies, and Trump gets Thousands to
show up for his Thank You tour rallies?, (which is the diametrical opposite of obama’s
America bashing apology tour - while he still hadn't even had his cabinet put together. Remember? 9 months before he had a complete cabinet of useless academic shit for brains assholes that he called his administration).
AMERICA is rejecting with extreme prejudice the Anti-American, Racist,
Moslem Activist obama’s like no first ‘family’ has ever been rejected
before. 50% approval rating ? Bull Shit.
We’re making history folks. Trump has done more already 30 days before
stepping foot in the White House than the obama’s did the entire 8 years they
were there. Did the obama's have a positive message for America? No, not a one. It was all anti-White anti-America, anti-Civilized Allies like the UK, You Didn't Build That, The kids aren't eating the right foods at school, Teachable moments, Your exhaling CO2 is making the planet warmer climate change bull shit, etc. It was all negative. How did this piece of shit get re-elected? Well, moving on....
Someone tell me when any of the obama's Complimented America on Any level. They didn't. Who in the * do they think they are? Here's a hint. Smart people constantly realize there is much they do not know. Dumbasses always think they are geniuses.
The obama’s, like the total failure jimmah carter will never go away. They
will spend the rest of their time trying to rewrite history in their favor, but
we can ignore them, and ignore them, the libtards, clintons, media sex slaves
and other assorted bastards I will. Clean Fresh Air with no threat of climate
change for the next 4 years at least. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.. Smells So Good.
Good Lord I hope the libtards writhe in pain for the next 8 years. I
really do. Why? They’ve done too much damage and ruined so many lives, and we
can take this back to LBJ and even further really. They deserve to
suffer and suffer hard to the point that maybe some of them get their minds right. Doubt it.
I am so happy, America is going to wipe this fecal matter off of it's shoe after 8 years and move on.
To all you folks who hadn't voted for decades but came out to vote for Mr Trump, Please do it again - unless he really screws up then hey...
Trump as a person? Who cares, I'm not going to be sleeping with him, Trump as the President I am behind as I see his cabinet being put together and gain more confidence that Judge Scalia WILL be replaced with an equal.