Monday, August 8, 2011

You Are No Longer Living in America


obama says “Warren Buffet gives us a quadruple A.” “We’re still a Triple A country.” 

No we’re not ! We’ve been downgraded. Will Warren Buffet or obama pick up the slack for you when your interest rates rise? Course not. Therefore, obama’s statement is that of an irresponsible, lying, incompetent 5 year old. 

The President of the United States refuses to accept reality in any form. That is not the trait of people who have respect for the people who put them in power, let alone someone with the capacity to solve a problem. You don’t lie to someone you respect every time you open your mouth. The respect meter has been in negative numbers since these assholes took over were voted into power. 

And this nonsense goes beyond "normal" spin. It’s insulting beyond description. These clowns have done nothing positive - have accomplished nothing positive in 2.5 years in control of a country with serious problems.

What is their defense ? It’s the Tea Party’s fault. A collection of folks elected in 2010 that make up such a small percentage of Congress thus far as to not have the slightest effect on anything ! 

Unbelievable.It’s of course, the result of spending by the democrats and the democrat’s failure to come up with a budget for the 2.5 years they’ve been in control of the Senate, House and White House. And they’ve been in control of Congress since 2006. 

Unbelievable. You are no longer living in America, and it didn’t just happen yesterday. 


  1. It has become like the old show Amerika. It's certainly not the America I remember.

  2. Trestin, I now want to write a post about the America I know - that I grew up with. When I do, I'd love to hear from the great people who stop by here- what their America was like.

  3. Want to know what my America was like? Well when I was bussed to school white people brought out guns. Some of the schools had riots. I actually seen the Klan march one day in my city. No one could touch them because of the tight security they had for them . It cost about $1,000,000.00. I take it you never seen MY America. Where people bring guns to a rally where the President gave them health care and $3,800.00 for the purchase of a new car to save the auto companies. Republicans like Michelle Malkin have actually contacted PETA to protest the President killing a fly. They actually got a lot of calls on that. Whataever the President says, the Republicans are against it. Republicans have said that they were going to hold the economy hostage and they did it. Some whites rather destroy than have a black man as President. As long as the Tea Party keep having Cognitive Dissonance about race and politics this country is going to hell in a handbasket.

  4. Kid is going to rip you you a new one, but first, allow me.

    From your statement I can deduce that you are void of any form of light and truth. Just the simple act of reading your comment made my IQ tumble like an Obama fueled market.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. spelling correction--

    kid, YOU aren't the only person to have a rough time.

    BLACK people aren't the only people to have a rough time.

    A lot of US had a rough time.
    Compare my childhood to 'Poor People' today and most of today's 'poor people' look like they're in a 3 star hotel.

    So suck it up and get over it. I don't owe you anything. No one owes you anything except for anyone who directly abused you in some way, which doesn't include me or the 99.99999% conservatives who are so non-racist and want everyone to succeed - it would make you head explode.

    This has nothing to do with black or white. obama is the racist. Hey, I'll take Allen West in the White House today !

    If you think obama is doing 'good things' your brain is gone. If you think it's the job of the government to 'give you healthcare' or anything else, you don't even have a skull in which to place a brain.

    Look at your country. It Sucks. The Dems have been in control of Congress since 2006 and All of government since 2008. The Imbeciles in charge are responsible. If you believe different you are a fool.

    The 'republicans' can't stop obama and the dems from doing anything they want. Not one repub voted for the evil HC bill and 70% of America was and is against it and they passed it anyway. That dog don't hunt. And Tea Party? There isn't enough of them to even make jokes about yet. They don't have enough people to stop a speeding turtle.

    You accept pathetic excuses from incompetent boobs and are proud enough about it to go spouting on the interwebs.

    But hey, Good Luck to you. Happiness is on the path ahead not the one behind. Keep reading and maybe you'll learn something.

    Try Trestin's place, American Thinker, National Review and any of the Great Read sites on the right sidebar while you're at it too,


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Trestin, Man, there are so many of them out there. I kinda understand the black people. They don't want the 1st black President to fail so badly. Well, want in one hand....

    Aside from that I just don't understand the constant support for someone and a party which has clowns as leader figures - pelosi, frank, obama, biden, etc and not only hasn't accomplished anything but has gone down hill with the pedal to the floor.

    It's gotta be something like mass hypnosis and in fact there are theories from accredited people saying as much.

  9. It is like a Greek tragedy. Every one except the dolts can see it coming.

  10. Admiral, the level of stupid is truly fascinating.
