Not young ones, they haven't had time or experience enough to see that most liberal concepts like equality, socialism, gun free societies, and all the rest of it are dead ends and fairy tales.
I'm talking about the older ones who should know better. Like a old lawyer friend of a friend who says Michele Bachmann is a nut and who only adopted kids for the money, as well as finds fault in all non-democrats. When my friend presses him for a source, or any sort of proof, he simply pffffts and states it's common knowledge.
Would he walk into a car dealer and believe the salesmen when they say their cars are the best? Course not, so why does he blindly believe the sort of talking points that obviously come from the liberal echo chamber known as the democrat media ? There is no good explanation. It's paradoxical.
I think there are a couple main things in play.
I think liberals are extremely dependent on their fantasies about the world they live in.Translate that in your own way as descriptive from me wouldn't do it justice and potentially just cloud the point.
The point is, because of this, they simply cannot allow too many facts or too much reality to seep into their brains. To do so risks losing the fantasy and like a heroine addict they will guard that state of being with their life. It is why they go ape shit when they see reality posted on your websites. (I say your, because I don't think any liberals read me.)
The other point, especially today, is that they are simply too dependent on the democrats. They perceive it that way anyhow. I've had them tell me the republicans or recently the Tea Party, wants to cancel welfare. Well, of course conservatives want everyone to be successful, and would certainly take no one off of life support until they could walk on their own. I certainly wouldn't. So it's easy for the democrat media to spin that.
In summary, you have heroine-like fantasy addicts, wholly dependent on the government, that are going to vote anytime they get the chance. And they aren't going to entertain any concepts resembling reality or rationality.