Thursday, August 29, 2024

Kid's Creations

Thought I would share a couple photos of the type of woodworking Kid did.  It was amazing the type of inlay he could create.  Notice the detail.

This is the first thing I had asked him to make, a writing table.  The table is made of Mahogany, but each of the inlay pieces is an exotic wood.  Kid cut and shaped each of these pieces.

                                                                    Desk Top

Close up of desk top

                                                                    Game Box

Saturday, August 10, 2024


Stephen's Quintet

290 Million Light Years away in the constellation Pegasus.  Colliding galaxies in the first compact galaxy group discovered in 1877

Sunday, July 28, 2024

 I am re-posting this from earlier, with some updates:


To those that still visit the Kid’s blog site:

This is Kid’s wife.  To honor him I am attempting to update his blog.  The main reason being how much this site meant to him and all those he was in contact with.

Thank you to all that have been his friend, I know how much each of you meant to him.  We had many “discussions” about how I thought all of you were more important to him than I was!

Bear with me as I am learning to navigate the blog by trial and error.  I want to be able to respond to comments that have been left, but haven’t figured that out yet.  I still haven’t figured out how to leave messages/comments on the site which is why it is just a post.


I think I have figured out the whole issue I was having with comments.  An email arrives stating "A New Comment On" and gives me the option to Publish , Delete, or Report Spam.  When I select publish, I can see it on the blog and respond to the author of the comment post.  Does that sound about right?  Let's see how it goes moving forward.  

Kid's Wife



Saturday, December 10, 2022

No Politics Here

Take a break and enjoy just a few space objects among the trillions floating around out there.

As always, click the pick to go to the APOD website and read a description as well as click the pic there and get a very large version where you can play "Find a The Pope a Inna The Pizza' among other exciting cocktail party games.

 The Helix Nebula

Star Forming Pillar of Dust

The Light, Dark, and Dusty
Good, Bad, and Ugly?

Wolf's Cave Nebula

The Wizard Nebula

Nebula Surrounding Wolf-Rayet Star
(Jackson Pollock hanging out here?)

Andromeda Galaxy
Closest galaxy to ours

The California Nebula

The Squid Nebula

The Whale Galaxy

Star Forming Eagle Nebula with Stars Removed

The Fairy of the Eagle Nebula

The Horsehead Nebula Up Close

Horsehead Nebula from Further Away

Saturday, December 3, 2022

30 Short Years Ago From Today

Nothing surprises me, but I do still wonder on occasion how in Hell we ended up here with three imbeciles in the top three positions of government and an entire government leadership which is corrupt, criminal, anti-America and actively selling us down the river to our enemies like China.

Well, enjoy this look back.

This is as he is leaving office of course.  It is clear to me he wasn't suffering from dementia.

It's The Science !!

In another video, two recent high school grads whose favorite subject was Science answered Jay's question of "what is bigger, the sun or the moon" with "The Moon".

I've personally seen people buying a 64 oz bottles of water labeled Smart Water for $1.99 at the market.

Is it any wonder these young geniuses will believe anything they tell them? 

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Problem Number One

Guest Post by Mustang

With close to 340 million people living in the United States, it is not likely we’ll find much agreement on the nation’s number one problem.  But even if we find “a lot” of agreement, Americans have difficulty transforming complaints into political action.  We’ll be able to figure it out in just a few moments. 


So, what is America’s largest concern?  According to Pew Research, it's affordable health care.  Pew Research data suggests that 56% of Americans think affordable health care is a “very big problem” and that 30% more Americans rate it as a “moderately big problem.”  That places us at the near 90% level.  I had no idea.  So now, what are Americans likely to do about it?  Here’s the scary part.  They’re likely to elect some ditz like Biden, who tries to red-do Obama Care, which has been an absolute disaster for all Americans and is likely to cause unaffordable health care. 


Looking back, it might have been better if (a) the American people hadn’t elected Obama in the first place (although I am hard-pressed to say how McCain would have been a better choice) and (b) Obama had left America’s health care system alone. 


What did Obama Care do for America?  Well, it steadily increased the cost of medical care between 43 – 55%.  People looked at their premium increases and went into cardiac arrest.  That’s what Democrats do for you.  Hey, and no charge for that. 


But why did those charges go up?  For starters, the government’s meddling forced insurance coverers out of the medical insurance racket.  Who?  United Healthcare for one — arguably the largest insurer in the country.  And Aetna.  So, as the number of insurers dwindled, those who remained behind increased their rates.  It’s simple economics.  It’s also a simplified understanding of human nature.  People want flexibility, not “just do it” attitudes from government bureaucrats. 


But you know what, folks?  Obama didn’t care.  Why?  Because he’d already gotten his share of the gold, and you can bet he isn’t worried about getting a heart bypass someday or another sex change operation for Michael. 


What else concerns our people?  Well, 82% are worried about government spending.  And if this is true, we should conclude that less than 82% of people demand a free college education.  Around 84% of the people worry about crime, suggesting that few people are on board the Democrat plan to defund police.  Another 77% of the people are worried about southern border invasions.  This number would be higher if folks living in Minnesota knew that tens of thousands of illegal Mexicans were heading in their direction. 


Well, readers, that’s the information I’ve uncovered.  What’s your take on this — and why?