Oooops - I'll get some pics to you post haste. I've been a bit under the weather with a pinched nerve in neck referring pain to shoulder. It makes sleeping tricky. I have a VERY wonky neck - over three rear end accidents with the first one at about 20 yo the worse one. No shoulder harnesses back then and the car hit us really hard. I was in a hard collar for many months.
Gorgeous work. Very talented.
ReplyDeleteHugs. 🫂
Be safe and God bless.
Oooops - I'll get some pics to you post haste. I've been a bit under the weather with a pinched nerve in neck referring pain to shoulder. It makes sleeping tricky. I have a VERY wonky neck - over three rear end accidents with the first one at about 20 yo the worse one. No shoulder harnesses back then and the car hit us really hard. I was in a hard collar for many months.
ReplyDeletedon't worry, just take care of yourself