Saturday, December 3, 2022

30 Short Years Ago From Today

Nothing surprises me, but I do still wonder on occasion how in Hell we ended up here with three imbeciles in the top three positions of government and an entire government leadership which is corrupt, criminal, anti-America and actively selling us down the river to our enemies like China.

Well, enjoy this look back.

This is as he is leaving office of course.  It is clear to me he wasn't suffering from dementia.


  1. I am glad to have lived during his time in office. America was a proud country then, not torn by strife and division as today. A time when we looked at our country and flag as a beacon of hope. I can only tell my grandchildren today as it was then and not how we experience our country today. Sad how our country has changed.

  2. Proud to say I voted for him....both times. He made the 1980's one of the greatest decades in American History. Sadly his hardwork provided only a temporary prosperity. It didn't take Slick Willie and Cankles the Killer long to dissipate the wealth America had made thanks to Reagan's tenure in office.

    1. Exactly Dan. And as America was able to reject the imbecile Carter in order to elect an American, it probably doesn't have it in it anymore.

  3. I thought it couldn't get any worse than electing a peanut farmer for President... but now we know.

    1. Not good Bunk. Even without vote fraud, we are surrounded by morons.


  4. Apparently, WYD is on hiatus as is AOW, and these trolls have nowhere to go to show off their ineptitude and ignorance.

  5. Any that Reads or writes in that CESSPOOL Is stupid.

  6. They’re smart enuf to float to the top and do the bidding of who’s pulling the strings.

    1. Exactly Baysider. And another point is that there isn't any real conspiracy anymore among most of them. They got indoctrinated in the same universities the last 30 years and it's group think now and yes, they got positions of power to affect most things federally at least.

  7. Breaking
    Poopy Head Biden may be subpoenaed in the Hunter Biden investigations!

    1. Anon, a rare comment back to this type of comment. YOU ARE DREAMING IF YOU THINK ANYTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO ANYONE ON THE LEFT.
