Sunday, November 27, 2022

Problem Number One

Guest Post by Mustang

With close to 340 million people living in the United States, it is not likely we’ll find much agreement on the nation’s number one problem.  But even if we find “a lot” of agreement, Americans have difficulty transforming complaints into political action.  We’ll be able to figure it out in just a few moments. 


So, what is America’s largest concern?  According to Pew Research, it's affordable health care.  Pew Research data suggests that 56% of Americans think affordable health care is a “very big problem” and that 30% more Americans rate it as a “moderately big problem.”  That places us at the near 90% level.  I had no idea.  So now, what are Americans likely to do about it?  Here’s the scary part.  They’re likely to elect some ditz like Biden, who tries to red-do Obama Care, which has been an absolute disaster for all Americans and is likely to cause unaffordable health care. 


Looking back, it might have been better if (a) the American people hadn’t elected Obama in the first place (although I am hard-pressed to say how McCain would have been a better choice) and (b) Obama had left America’s health care system alone. 


What did Obama Care do for America?  Well, it steadily increased the cost of medical care between 43 – 55%.  People looked at their premium increases and went into cardiac arrest.  That’s what Democrats do for you.  Hey, and no charge for that. 


But why did those charges go up?  For starters, the government’s meddling forced insurance coverers out of the medical insurance racket.  Who?  United Healthcare for one — arguably the largest insurer in the country.  And Aetna.  So, as the number of insurers dwindled, those who remained behind increased their rates.  It’s simple economics.  It’s also a simplified understanding of human nature.  People want flexibility, not “just do it” attitudes from government bureaucrats. 


But you know what, folks?  Obama didn’t care.  Why?  Because he’d already gotten his share of the gold, and you can bet he isn’t worried about getting a heart bypass someday or another sex change operation for Michael. 


What else concerns our people?  Well, 82% are worried about government spending.  And if this is true, we should conclude that less than 82% of people demand a free college education.  Around 84% of the people worry about crime, suggesting that few people are on board the Democrat plan to defund police.  Another 77% of the people are worried about southern border invasions.  This number would be higher if folks living in Minnesota knew that tens of thousands of illegal Mexicans were heading in their direction. 


Well, readers, that’s the information I’ve uncovered.  What’s your take on this — and why?


  1. We can all think of a number of problems that most of us could assign Problemo Numero Uno. Education, Immigration, Economy, etc. When you think about it though health care is one that can break your door down and cause you significant grief on a moments notice, From availability to cost, many Americans have already suffered unduly.
    Also consider that in 1968, I spent 45 days in hospital with a badly broken lower left leg. 45 days of nurse and hospital attention, two orthopedic surgeries, 120 shots of morphine, everything else that goes into caring for a 16 year old that can't even get up to go to the john for 45 days. Total cost for that was $1,800.00. Eighteen Hundred Dollars. I shit you not. There is no inflation gauge anywhere in this universe that could account for the cost increase in health care between 1968 and today and the recent past.

    For these reasons, healthcare IS on the front burner. No one is working to improve the situation. We are on a path to national health care, possibly called Medicare for everyone (except government) where it will quickly morph into being unaffordable to often unavailable. Do an internet search of "Problems with NHS" if you have any doubt.

    1. Amen, Kid. The U.K.'s national health system is a freaking disaster for the people who contributed to it for their entire working life. They are so screwed ... and they deserve better than that. The parallel is this ... imagine getting your buddy, a lawyer, to defend you in court at no charge. What kind of defense are you going to end up with? When the average salary for a GP doctor in the U.K. is around $40,000 a year, what kind of medical treatment are you getting? These guys and gals are no more than government bureaucrats and none of them give a shit about their patients. Man ... and as you say, we are headed in that very same direction.

  2. "...the American people hadn’t elected Obama in the first place (although I am hard-pressed to say how McCain would have been a better choice)" Sadly, sometimes it's important to realize even a McCain would have been better than an Obama. Until we do, we're even more sunk than some of you think! Even MORE important it is your mention about how MANY do NOT like the ACA....that's a pretty unreleased truth that is just another way the Left is hurting us..."Hide the truth again!"....Remember this? Voila

    1. Z, your comment is for Mustang I assume but I'll weigh in and say the RINO McCain would have done better than obama by simply not doing so much damage as obama did. I'm not 100% sure of that...
      I've no interest in hearing what communists at CNN have to say so I have no idea what they're talking about at any given time.

    2. I think I see your point, Z ... but fail to understand how McCain could have been better if the result of McCain would have equaled Obama. I think my point is that the American people have not been served well by the politicians who their way into the White House. You’ll notice that most of these people are rich beyond imaginings. No poor folks in high positions; no one who came up the hard way; no one who knows what it is to go without an occasional meal. And let’s all remember that were it not for McCain, who supplied Al Qaeda with U.S. made firearms, none of our boys would have been killed by ISIS fighters. You see ... AQL = ISIS.

      My guess is that this problem will never be solved until the American people get their collective heads out of their asses. Like Kid, I’m not holding my breath. This “cross your fingers, shut your eyes real tight, and hope, hope, hope” thing isn’t working.

  3. Clearly nobody ask me. Affordable or any other healthcare is not even on my effin list. How bout: liberty, freedom, self responsibility, the list goes on BUT does NOT include healthcare - that's it stop the effin handouts, I am tired of communism and paying for other peoples stupid

    1. Anon, big issues also but it's a matter of what is the biggest alligator in your house. You['ll find an argument with those with big health problems and can't afford to have them taken care of in the best way possible.

      Liberty, freedom, etc. Those are things each of sus need to work to protect for ourselves . No one in government gives a shit about you.

  4. Well, they've killed individual doctor's practices and corporatized them into huge health conglomerates.
    Seeing a doctor has become a third world experience.

    1. Ed, while I wouldn't score many doctors a 10, I've been pretty lucky so far. My Family doc knows lots of good ones in various specialities. I would be pretty nervous if I had to find one on the internet.

    2. We are in to the Baptist Healthcare System and have no complaints at all about access to our GP, labs, referrals, or costs. If we need to see a doctor and the GP is full up, we hang a left and go into the E.R. instead. Easy Peazy. We feel very fortunate to live where we’re at.

    3. Good to know Mustang. I think most people in the US are Ok. I see it as a situation of saving it before it goes under like NHS or Canada.

  5. 1. LBJ - Brought the country into a disastrous war and condemned African Americans to lives of welfare slavery.
    2. Jimmy Carter - Gave away the Panama Canal, abrogated our treaty with Taiwan and undermined our military.
    3. Bill Clinton - Personally corrupt, sold military secrets to China for campaign contributions.
    4. Obama - Racist America-hater who negotiated with terrorists & gave $billions to Iran for a phony nuclear deal.
    5. Biden - Crooked shake-down artist who would start a new war if he thought it would benefit him politically.

    Quite a lineup, eh? It is a wonder that we haven't collapsed already. Or have we

    1. Have we? Interesting question Anon.

      The democrat party continues unabated with their destruction of "America" while the repubs sit on their thumbs and spin. Only time will tell.

      fyi, the Democrats have always been anti-America, but I will agree LBJ kicked it all into high gear.

    2. There was a film made in 1965 starring John Wayne titled “In Harms Way.” Good film — and while a fictional story, it was in some ways based on real people. Burgess Meredith’s character was based on a real fellow who later became a rear admiral. The character played by Patrick O’Neal ... reserve naval officer whose war time job was in public affairs, was based on LtCdr Lyndon Johnson, USNR.

      IMO ... to say that Johnson was anti-American gives the man far too much credit. Johnson was an old time western outlaw. If he ever cared about America, it was only because it was a great place to rob stagecoaches. For him, life was all about running the show. He did that in Texas and there was nothing on this earth that would stand in his way to achieving his goals.

      Does anyone think it was a mere coincidence that JFK was murdered in Texas? JFK was the very last stumbling block to a Johnson presidency. And just like LBJ — was another fellow named Charlie Wilson, also a Texas congress critter. Also a navy officer (where you can serve and not get hurt). Wilson was as loose as a goose. Wilson gave us a series of wars in the Middle East. Lots of dead Americans, but it made him rich as hell — all in the name of patriotism. Both Johnson and Wilson got to Washington — and stayed there for a lot of years by BS-ing black voters. Great Society? Yeah, right.
