Back in my teenage years there was a book called "I'm Ok, You're Ok."
At the time it seemed like a sane reasonable premise. Regardless what race, creed, color you were let's assume that You're Ok, until you prove otherwise. At least until then.
But as I know a lot more about what is going on out there in this big crazy topsey turvey world, I think the idea of You being Ok if I don't know jack about you is as retarded as any libtard you might find having sexual fantasies about obama several times a day.
Given that there are large numbers of: mother rapers, father rapers, sister rapers, baby sister rapers, baby brother rapers, serial killers, pedophiles, animal abusers, animal killers, moslem goat rapers, moslem killers, moslems in general, thieves, people having unprotected sex while knowing they have an STD, most politicians, most federal workers, most state and local union workers, anyone that would vote for obama, anyone who would vote for the hildebeast, anyone who would vote for any democrat, people who believe in man made global warming, anyone who can look at let alone listen to debbie blabbermouth-putz and not puke - ditto most democrat women, and men, people who think removing guns from the general populace is a good idea, socialism lovers, marxism/leninism lovers, palestinian supporters, code pinkers, 911 trufers, moon landing deniers, PC lovers, multi-cultural ism believers, idiots with 'coexist' bumper stickers, morons who think world peace is possible, retarded men who go to Wal Mart in a female fairy outfit looking for sex, or women for that matter who are obviously obese and display way too much of their bodies, women who turn their bodies into bumper stickers and comic books with tattoos and pay big money to make it happen, cat rapers, chicken rapers, dog fighters, cock fighters, whalers, guys having sex with the tailpipe of their car (saw this in the news!), women who cut babies out of other women, women who kill their children by putting them in the microwave or any other gross abuse of a child, anyone who abuses a child in any way, drug dealers, gang bangers, people who look at me sideways and people that show up at a Golden Coral in filthy jeans and a filthy sweat soaked white (well not quite) tshirt weighing in at 300+ lbs in the prime time hour..... I simply have to assume that You're Not Ok until you put forth some vibes to lure me into thinking you Might be Ok. Then the jury is still out for a while.
Which leads to my main point.
This PC crap has everyone running around afraid to criticize someone. Oh Gosh, I wouldn't want to dent this person's self esteem. Hey, this is part of the growing up and an education process. If someone is a retard, letting them continue to be a retard is more damaging to their self esteem if you don't tell something. When I was a manager I hired a guy once who, after a couple weeks, showed up for work and had his nose hair growing into his moustache. I axed him "do you have a girlfriend?" He said no. I said, one of the reasons for that is you have your nose hair growing into your moustache and that is very off putting. True story. He didn't last long at the job, but in the end I think he appreciated my honesty and forward approach to trying to help him and society at large at the same time.
If someone is doing something really stupid, telling them how retarded they are is 1) doing Them a favor and 2) providing society a valuable service and 3) supporting the evolutionary process that the libtards say they revere so much but Interfere with constantly in any and every way possible ! Well, you can't get your libtard card without being maximum hypocritical...
If you see someone in Wal Mart with a beard and a fairy outfit that has a very short skirt as part of it, walk up to them and ask - dude WTF is wrong with you? If some jerk doesn't want to see a Nativity Scene during the Christmas Season, then I don't want to see guys in a tutu, or walking down the street with their pants halfway down, or a large number of other things that seem to be going on in heavy volume these days. And I sure as Hell don't want to see some chick/guy in a burka in America who might blow up while I'm in range of the blast.