Sunday, June 19, 2016

Consider The # 1 Mandate of the Federal Government is National Security,

 and it is the number 1 thing they suck at.

Also, I would not bet a grand on what Trump would do or not do for America.  I Will bet 100 Grand on what all the other possibles will NOT do for America. That would be anything useful or positive.

Well, it's been a while since I've included some Satriani..



  1. The people in the federal government have forgotten what the federal government is for. They have, instead, decided that the federal government is a system for making money and for keeping and holding power over others.

    Maybe you should include some Satriani in your posts to help offset the problem.

    1. Euripides - Exactly. No more complicated than that.

      Thanks for the suggestion - I have a couple tunes in mind.

  2. FreeThinke has asked me to tell you his computer has died. He hopes to be back with us soon, but it may take some time.

  3. Trump is an unknown in many respects. HRC is not an unknown -- and will certainly further the rapid decline of our republic.

    1. AOW, Thank you for getting my point.

      Now, I'm thinking about Jeb Bush "We need to embrace the syrian refugees" I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Unreal..

    2. AOW, Or any of the other potential candidates certainly including the rinos.

    3. Electing a rino would be a bigger insult than electing the beast.

    4. The RINOS will not easily relinquish their power -- and there are plenty of RINOS in the GOP's management. One of their mouthpieces in Michael Gerson. I've quit reading his columns because I need to protect my health.

    5. I'm on the side of anybody but hillary. If it's Trump, then so be it. Why is the GOP so buttsore about it? You didn't provide a better candidate, so, you're fired.

    6. Cube, Yea, do you think they really think we are for them any more? If so, teh Delusional is not even close. Only libtards vote for standard issue republicans so they can feel like they actually 'weighed the issues' and 'made an informed choice'. lol

    7. AOW, Yes, there are some real bastards in the republican machine. Yet, I can't think of anyone worse than obama, hilrod, alan greyson, reid, pelosi, probably the entire Black Caucus and many of their talking heads like debbie-blabbermouth-putz and madcow just off the top. Man they're brutal and I never watch or listen.

    8. Kid,
      All those you mentioned are VILE!

    9. AOW, I'm a good judge of character.

  4. The onrushing threat of Globalization and multiculturalism will be met in November, either it will be welcomed with open arms and the already weakened walls of sanity completely torn down so that a new order can emerge; or it will be held at bay by the forces of a new American Nationalism. To paraphrase that often quoted American Patriot, Patrick Henry, "I know not what course others may take but as for me give me nationalism or give me a ticket to some desert island---far from the madness"!
