Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Supernova Cannon. Yea, Really.

Hopefully, one of these things isn't pointed at us.  Or not, what the hey.

Click the image to go to the APOD site and read a full description or become Joe Biden's traveling sex toy.


  1. True Beauty is always accompanied by terrifying aspects, because "No man can look upon the face of God and live."

    If we human beings ever succeed in solving the Mystery of Creation, I believe our species will cease to exist.

    1. Franco, we can't even solve the mystery of what time it may rain tomorrow.

    2. That's my \oint, Kid. We NEED masteries to keep us qesting for better ways to cope with life.

      The arrogant knowialls in Academia, and the so-called Scientific Community persist in trying to suck all the juice – the fun –– and the joy –– out of life by reducing the challenges of Existence to a FORMULA that THEY have contrived. "They" want everyhung to be cut and dried.

      These great space photos you share help keep the much needed sense of Awe and Wonder alive, even if they ARE produced by the Scientific Community. ;-)

    3. Franco, yea, how many 'scientists' have stood upand screamed I have the answer only to be tossed in the trash after a very short period of time. People think we have it all figured out now? Geeez.

    4. Creation (the Cosmos), is in constant motion on every cinceivble level. It is always expanding, always changing. Life (Creation) has no beginnng and will have no end. It just keeps transforming itself in untold quintillions of ways.

      God IS Life, and He IS All IN All.

      God is rarely-if-ever defined AS Beauty, but in my personal worldview I believe Beauty is His MOST essential defining attribute.

      This cme to me on New Year's day 2014. I seems appropriate now.

      ___________ Eternal, Never New ___________

      ~ FreeThinke

    5. Sorry! I COPIED the poem, but it refused to PASTE.



    6. This is a lot more beauty than most people realize Franco. IMO. But not all is beautiful. Guess that's where satan comes in.

    7. I know, Kid, but we should remember that Lucifer (Satan) was considered "the most beautiful of all Gd's angels." He became a hideous minster when he gave way to his impulse to tr to COMPETE with God,

      That's what's wrong with Modern Man. "WE" have grown so far from proper respect for God, "WE" now think "WE" know better than HE what's best for "US" That, of course, was Lucifer's exact sin, and didn't i set in motion a horrible chain of tragic events!

      Anyway, here's the poem I tried to ;out earlier. If it refuses to PATE this time, I'll hve to give up.

      ________ Eternal, Never New _________

      The years are naught but Man's invention,
      __ As is Time, itself.
      'Tis been, since Eve, Man's mad intention
      ___ To manage Life, himself.

      In Truth what is has always been,
      ___ And will last evermore. ––
      A perspective few have ever seen ––
      ___ A sea without a shore.

      We drift quite helplessly upon 
      ___ The surface of the waves
      Charting courses, till we've gone,
      ___ Instead, on to our graves.

      Though we may seem to disappear
      ___ From our loved ones' view,
      There isn't anything to fear
      ___ We shall return anew.

      This never ending cycle
      ___ Upon the shoreless sea
      No matter what we’d like to think
      ___ Recurs eternally.

      ~ FreeThinke

    8. Franco, that has been said many ways and of course I agree. We have little control over anything, nor do we understand much of anything.

      Life is what happens to you while you're making other plans.

  2. What an outstanding photo. Then there's Joe Biden. Please let him win the primary.

    1. LSP, I can squint and view that image as Joe Biden..

  3. Let Fauxahontas win the primary! Poor Joe has been put out to pasture... he sundowns now we are told. Can you imagine his camp making the announcement he needs to cut back on his schedule? Whose team do they work for?

    1. I don't think any of them can win, but Biden would be a lot funnier. And people would trust him a lot less with the nuclear button. Can you imagine?

  4. I propose a full ban of these semi-automatic assault stars. At least legislation to limit the number of pulsars they can have in their magazines.

  5. LOL. I fully support this legislation DaBlade. I further propose that the entire democrat party and its athletic supporters travel to each supernova and present them with the facts, or the truth, whichever is more offensive to supernovas.
