Monday, August 26, 2019

Colorful Little Space Thing-a-ma-bob

The Angel Nebula and surrounding entities.  And at 60 light years across, or 348 Trillion miles, just a pin prick on the expanse of space.

Well, click the image and click again to get the high resolution image where you can search for "Popes inna the Pizza".

Some California purples and very little orange for Adrienne this time.


  1. Beautiful! What is a 'California purple'? I LOVE purple with orange...this is gorgeous. It's like a fairy with a bright purple/pink skirt and wings. Or maybe not :-)

    1. Hey that works Z. :)

      When I thought purple, I thought California Purples which was a guitar solo on Chicago's 1st album. It also looks like a California purple sunset color.

  2. So much beauty in the universe!

    Too bad that we have poly-ticks at all.

    1. AOW, Trump is the only interesting thing in Poly ticks at all, the rest are all useless blowhards.

    2. AOW, Ok, lets organize a 100 million man march on DC and toss the bums out ! :-)

    3. Then back to my house for refreshments.

  3. I will take on of those and one of those.... maybe add one more..... is a wonderful universe in which we live. Thanks for the reminder.

  4. I find it s humbling as it is awe-inspiring to realize that our ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM may very well be nothing more than a SINGLE ATOM in the nfinite, unimaginably large, expanse of the Cosmos.

    Thnking about it always gives me chills.

    1. PROSPERO:

      Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
      As I foretold you, were all spirits, and
      Are melted into air, into thin air:
      And like the baseless fabric of this vision,
      The cloud-capp'd tow'rs, the gorgeous palaces,
      The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
      Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,
      And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
      Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
      As dreams are made on; and our little life
      Is rounded with a sleep.

      ~ Shakespeare - The Tempest Act 4, scene 1, 148–158

    2. Very True Franco. I've had the same thought. Given the scale of the universe who knows. We might all be living in on an electron in some alien's fingernail.

      We could discuss for days.

    3. Good morning, Kid.

      I just posted the following at AOW's. I want you to know that your Pictures from the Hubble help me to focus on spiritual things. I'm grateful for that, so thank you.

      I think we need to spend much more time acknowledging God's constant presence in our lives, and openly speaking of our need to trust in Him, and rely on Him to guide us. We also need to spend more time engaged in prayer, meditation and contemptation.

      We should consider it our duty to count our blessings every day, and to express gratitude to the Lord for all He has given us.

      "Be still and k'now that I am God ..."

      ~ from Psalm 46 - KJV

      We couldn't ask for beter advice than that.

      So, let us please spend less time "fretting oursselves over evildoers" and more time cultivating confidence based on our faith, which is, –– whether we know it or not ––, the bedrock of our earthly existence.

      O rest in the Lord; wait patiently for Him,
      And He shall give thee thy heart's desires

      Commit thy ways unto Him, and trust in Him
      And fret not thyself because of evildoers
      O rest in the Lord wait patiently for Him . . ."

      ~ Contralto aria from Mendelssohn's Saint Paul

      Also these lines from St. Teresa of Avila:

      Let nothing disturb thee, nothing afright thee
      All things are passing
      Patient endurance attaineth o all things
      To whom God pleaseth in nothing is lacking.
      Alone God sufficeth."

      ~ St. Teresa of Avila - lines write in her breviary
      As translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

      I hope this doesn't sound sanctimonious? People have generallu given up acknowledging the spiritual aspect of our lives for fear of being called "Holier than Thou."

      Alas! religious faith is not considered "cool" these days, and society is suffering mightily for its absence. That IS at the heart of most of what's wrong, I believe.

      I know ALL the arguments the Left has mounted to sttack Christianity, and in they are RIGHT, but only in their attack on the TEMPORAL-"POLITICAL aspects of organized religion.

      God got lost in the accumulation of Political Power, Material stealth, The Pride and Arrogance of Self-Righteousness, and the evern present desire too many have to be able to FORCE others to live in a certain way. Whenever FORCE enters the picture, love for God gets shoved aside. He desgned us to be able to CHOOSE to love and obey Him –– or not. He wouldn't want us any other way than to humble ourselves, and come to Him VOLUNTARILY.

    4. Agree Franco. The constant eternal struggle between good and evil on this planet. Pick a side. The details are up to the individual.

    5. The Rules are very simple It's persuading people to FOLLOW them that gets complicated.

      The Devil is always at work telling people The Rules are only there to protect People in High Places who want to Keep You Down. Then te Devil tels tham, "there's an EASIER way to achieve Sucess and Happiness, by deliberately DISREGARDING The Rules, and THAT's why we have LEFTISTS screaming their fool heads off all over the place, and people getting KILEd by the TENS of MILLIONS.

      And as the great "Christian Apologist" C.S. LEWIS said, "SATAN'S GREATEST ACCOMLISHMENT to DATE has been to CONVINCE the MAJORITY that HE DOES NOT EXIST!"

