Friday, February 17, 2012

To Hell in a Handbag

Alternate Title - Z's Purse.

I heard a story that Z's husband called her purse a Black Hole.  Apparently things that went in there were never to be found again.  (Z is Geeeez on my right sidebar)

I found some Videos of Z's Purse.  Without Further Ado, the last couple are shorts and the first one is a bit longer but interesting.    The videos show the movements of several stars orbiting the black hole in the center of our lovely galaxy.

Apparently, this massive back hole at the center of our galaxy also happens to be Z's purse.  Makes perfect sense if you give it a little thought.


  1. Here's a black hole for you.

  2. A whole buncha scientists spent sixteen years stalking three dozen stars circling the galaxy's butthole. Next thing they'll be measuring star flatulance for carbon footprints and intergalactic warming.

    Awright, who's paying for this? Oh never mind, stupid question...

  3. Whenever the black hole concept comes up, I think of the French
    mathematician Pierre-Simon LaPlace.
    He calculated the gravity-escape velocity equilibrium in 1795 and pondered that even light waves could not escape such a collapse
    of mass. But NOW...I will think of Z's purse!

  4. Black Holes - I'm certain a fascinating subject, many theories developed but who really knows? Kid, do you believe the Black Hole mystery has truly been solved? I've read articles claiming yes...even from NASA

  5. Opus, It is staggering. Decisions have consequences...

  6. Sig, Black Hole Flatulence ? We're on it baby !

    Personally I wonder if more stuff is coming into our galaxy via black holes or is being sucked out. In other words, do we blow or suck? Probably both..

  7. DeanO, the only thing we know about them is that they are there, and similar to how stars are created, (that being enough material is pooled together to create enough gravitation force so as to cause nuclear fusion), black hole collect enough material to become so gravitationally dense that nothing can escape its pull.

    That's about it I'd say. The last I knew, the thought was that 'normal' laws of physics are not present in a black hole. So nobody knows what the heck goes on there.

    They are believed to be physically infinitely small but affect quite a large area. Real thought provokers they are.

    I think they are doors into other universes. I also think every laundry room also has a black hole that only eats socks.

  8. Carol-CS, She hasn't come by yet, I hope she's not mad... :)
