Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama Nobel Peace Prize

What is lacking in reality must be over-stated in Hyperbole.


  1. Or cover up something they don't want us to know about yet.

  2. Most. Undeserved. Award. Ever.

    Yet somehow, the most fitting award ever too...

  3. I blame this on the Nobel Committee. There is something very wrong with them.

  4. Dr Dave, I suspect there is lots of covering up going on. After all, the whole czar process sidesteps Senate review.

    I think there's lots going on that we won't know about for years.

  5. Soloman, Actually I agree on the fitting part if you lok at who's been awarded this thing in recent past, or since its inception maybe for that matter.

    Gore, Carter, Arafat, El Braababababddabba, the UN Nuklar watchkitty who makes sure anyone who wants nukes can have them, etc.

    I suspect the next person to get it will be that pure evil mental babbler from Lybia.

  6. Opus, Yes, there is. Mr Nobel is spinning in his grave.

  7. it would seem that Obama winning the Nobel Peace prize represents a vote of confidence from Europe...
